

この記事では、日本で就職活動をする外国人留学生向けに、2021年7月時点における外国人留学生の内定率のデータを元に、新型コロナウィルスが外国人留学生の就職活動に与えた影響や留学生の就職活動を支援する就職エージェントなどの情報をご紹介したいと思います。21卒の留学生の就活状況新型コロナウィルスの影響によって、今年(2020年)は就職活動をしている学生にとって、これまでになく厳しい年となりました。多くの企業で採用人数が減少したり、採用プロセスの延期などが発生し、就職活動が難しい状況になりました。ここでは、株式会社ディスコが2020年8月26日に発表した2021年卒の留学生を対象とする就職活動に関する調査結果をもとに、2021年卒業の外国人留学生の就活状況を詳しく見ていきたいと思います。新型コロナウィルスが内定獲得与えた影響今年と過去2年分の7月時点の外国人留学生と国内生の棒グラフを確認しますと、例年に比べ国内の内定率は下がっていますが、7割の学生は内定を持っています。もう一方で、外国人留学生は例年よりも約10%減少し約3割が内定を持っている状況です。やはり昨年と比べて影響は見受けられますが、5月以降から企業側も新卒採用を再開し、WEB面接などで例年よりも短いスケジュールで採用活動を行なったこともあり、数字だけを見ると当初の想定より影響は少なかったと言えます。ただし、あくまでこれは内定を保有している学生の数となりますので、本当に希望の就職先から内定を得られているかは不明です。参照:株式会社ディスコ/外国人留学生の就職活動状況外国人留学生の就職活動状況様々な企業が新型コロナウィルスの影響により、新卒採用を中止したり、予定していた採用人数を縮小しました。それに加えスケジュールも後ろにずれたこともあり、2021年卒の内定率減少に繋がったと考えられます。また、Web説明会やWeb面接で企業の雰囲気がうまくつかめず、またコロナの影響で経済環境の悪化も懸念されたため、会社の雰囲気がわかりやすい安定した大手企業に応募が集まっているため、必ずしも希望の就職先から内定を獲得できたかは不明です。また、毎年日本で就職する外国人留学生は徐々に増えていますが、日本人学生と比較すると、7月時点で7割の外国人留学生には内定がない状態です。これは、外国人の人材はスキル面で日本人学生と同じだったとしても、日本語がビジネスレベル以上でなければ受け入れてくれる企業が少ないという事が大きな影響を与えていると考えられます。もちろん、日本で就職を希望する留学生が日本語を上達させる事は重要ですが、スキルではなく日本語のコミュニケーション力で判断をする日本企業にも少なからず責任はあるかもしれません。しかし、日本企業においても日本人社員に対する英語教育やビジネスのグローバル展開により、日本語のコミュニケーションが必要な環境を作り出している企業も増えています。また、外国人向けのビジネス日本語の学習サービスを導入している企業も少しずつ増えてきていることから、時間はかかるかもしれませんが、年々少しずつ外国人留学生の内定率も上がっていくのではないでしょうか。就職エージェント・サイト外国人留学生向けの就職エージェント・サイトこれからは、日本で就職をしたい外国人留学生に向けに、新卒の外国人留学生に特化した就職サポートのサービスをご紹介してい行きたいと思います。Global Leader(グローバルリーダー)  www.globalleadernavi.comグローバルリーダー:外国人留学生・海外大生の就職活動をサポートhttps://www.globalleadernavi.comグローバルリーダーは、外国人留学生・留学生・海外大生・外国人のための就職情報サイト。求人情報・就活マニュアル・就職イベント・就職セミナー・就活講座などたくさんの就活情報をご用意し、あなたの就職活動をサポートします!  日本を代表する大手企業から注目のスタートアップ企業まで、幅広い求人を取り扱っている留学生向けの新卒・就職エージェントです。日本の就活マナーや就活スケジュールについてのレクチャーなどを無料で提供もしているそうです。Ryukatsu(リュウカツ)  www.ryugakusei.com 2 pockets【日本で働きたい留学生の就職支援】リュウカツhttps://www.ryugakusei.com   外国人留学生を採用したい企業のみを集めて求人情報を提供している新卒向けの就職エージェントです。毎週開催されるセミナーでコンサルタントから就活のポイントやビザに関する情報なども提供しています。就職エージェントneo  就職エージェントneo 187 tweets13 users8 pockets就職エージェントneohttps://www.s-agent.jp新卒就職相談(就活)・内定獲得支援  人材業界大手企業のネオキャリアが提供している外国人留学生のための就職エージェントです。就職相談や紹介企業の面接・履歴書のアドバイスをマンツーマンで行い、面接不合格の場合でも、次回の面接の対策としてしっかりとしたフィードバックを提供している新卒外国人留学生向けのエージェントです。まとめまだ内定がない留学生の方も多くいらっしゃると臣生ます。コロナの影響により学生には厳しい就職活動の状況は続きますが、しっかりと自己分析や業界研究を行い、選考対策を実施すれば、いずれ良い結果を得られると思います。もし日本で就職を考えている留学生でITエンジニアの仕事に就きたいという方は外国人ITエンジニア専門の人材紹介会社G Talent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で就職活動のサポートをいたします。



海外だけではなく、日本でもこの数年急激に成長しているIoT (Internet of Things)に関して、世界と比べた日本のIoTの現状と注目企業について説明をいたします。IoT (Internet of Things:モノのインターネット)とは何か?コンピュータなどの情報・通信機器だけでなく、世の中に存在する様々な物体(モノ)に通信機能を持たせ、インターネットに接続したり相互に通信することにより、自動認識や自動制御、遠隔計測などを行うこと。参照:IT用語辞典 e-Wordsもっとわかりやすく言うと、モノにセンサーを付け、そのセンサーが情報を収集したり、収集した情報をもとに活動をしたりするものがIoTとなります。日本のIoTの現状それでは日本のIoT技術の現状を確認していきましょう。2017年に日本経済研究センターは日本のIoT・AIの現状に関する調査結果を発表しました。(下図参照)参照:日本企業のAI・IoTの導入状況 / 日本経済研究センターご覧の通り、この調査時では既にIoT技術を導入している企業は14.6%、導入を検討している企業も含めると全体の36.4%となります。先日のブログ記事でもご紹介した通り、日本経済研究センターの発表によると、日本のIT業界への投資額は大きく伸びており、現在新型コロナウィルスの影響によってIoTの普及やIoTを用いた開発はさらに増えていくと予想されます。日本のIT市場規模2019年版・世界と比較した日本の現状日本の注目IoT企業IoTと言えば、世界的にはIntelやマイクロソフトなどIoTが搭載されるデバイスや半導体を作っている大手企業を思い浮かべるかもしれません。しかし、最近の日本ではスタートアップ企業や中小企業もIoTの分野に積極的に取り組んでいます。これからは、日本で注目を浴びているIoT企業についてご紹介していきたいと思います。スマートホーム系IoT企業株式会社フォトシンスは、IoTを用いた入退室管理システム「Akerun」を開発しています。Akerunは、一般的なドアに特殊接合テープでの貼り付けやビス止めのみで取り付けたドアをスマートフォンから操作し、SuicaやnanacoカードなどのICカードや顔認証で解錠ができるサービスです。また、指定した時間・曜日に限定して合鍵の作製が可能であり、高いセキュリティを維持しながら、多くの人が入退室が可能となります。  akerun.comAkerun|オフィスのあらゆる鍵をクラウド化https://akerun.com/?_ga=2.233001432.711981714.1598419560-1190338585.1598419560Akerunは利便性やセキュリティを向上する、オフィス導入実績4,000社超のIoTサービスです。いつものICカードで扉が開く。既存の扉に後付けで設置するだけ。  ビッグデータ系IoT企業株式会社Abejaは小売店向けの店舗解析サービスの「Abeja Insight」を提供しています。「小売店のあらゆる数値を可視化する」をコンセプトに、店内に設置してあるカメラから消費者の行動データを収集・解析を行い、小売店の業務改善の提案などを可能にしています。  ABEJA 2 tweets15 users77 pockets株式会社ABEJAhttps://abejainc.com/ja/株式会社ABEJAは、蓄積されたビックデータからAI(人工知能)のディープラーニングを活用して、多様な業界・シーンで社会実装事業を展開する企業です。  海外の注目企業次に海外で注目を集めているIoT技術を用いた企業をご紹介してい行きたいと思います。Hexoskin(ヘキソスキン)カナダのHexoskin(Carre Technologies)はAstroskinというセンサー付きのスマートシャツを開発。このシャツを着用するだけで心拍数、肺活量などを計測することができます。運動時や普段の生活、睡眠中の様々なデータを収集をし、そのデータをクラウド上で管理・分析を行なっています。それにより、生活の中で意識すべき心拍数を常に測定し、可視化することが可能となります。病気の予防や早期発見において重要な役割を担う期待がされています。  www.hexoskin.com 1 pocketAccess deniedhttps://www.hexoskin.com/pages/about-us   LiveMapLive Mapはバイク用ヘルメットを開発しているロシアの企業ですが、一般的なヘルメットではなくIoTを用いたヘルメットを開発しています。走行中に携帯電話のGPS機能に頼るのではなく、ヘルメット自体にAR機能がついており、風よけの部分に交通情報が確認できる仕組みになっております。さらに、内部にマイクよヘッドフォンが装備されているため、手動ではなく、音声で操作をすることができます。 livemap.infoLiveMap: Motorcycle smart helmet with Augmented Reality navigationhttps://livemap.info/index.phpDo not miss the opportunity! BE THE FIRST TO TOUCH THE FUTURE まとめ上記でご紹介した通り、IoTは小売業から自動運転まで幅広い分野で必須の技術となっています。そのため、日本においても、IoTの市場はこれからますます拡大していくと言えるでしょう。もし日本でIoT関連企業への就職・転職を希望される場合、グローバルIT人材の転職エージェントGTalent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で転職・就職活動をサポートいたします。

Career Development

Why Switching to Mobile App Development is Good For You

The coronavirus has changed life as we know it. Online education, banking, shopping, and work have become the new normal. People rely on social media apps now more than ever for news and entertainment, and hang out with friends and family via online conferencing through their mobile devices.Mobile applications have become part of everyone’s lives to the point where people download new ones every day. Google’s Play Store already has 2.56 million apps, while Apple’s App Store has 1.8 million apps available for download in the Q1 of 2020 alone. The numbers are projected to increase as people are spending more time at home.The Rise of Mobile Apps During COVID-19 PandemicThe mobile app development industry is evolving, and a wide range of factors affects the technological advancements in mobile apps such as consumer and client demands. Recently, app development is focused on how to connect people to all the information they need from their handheld devices.Playing games has also become a popular pastime among mobile users. In Q2 of 2020, over 12 billion games were downloaded from Google Play and 2.8 billion from Apple’s App Store.The pandemic opened career growth opportunities for mobile app developers as the demand for apps in healthcare, education, entertainment, and remote-work increased. Healthcare organizations and startups are collaborating with app developers to help people with health consultations. Educational institutions are revamping their curriculums so students can continue learning via digital channels and platforms.Why Switch to Mobile App Development?The success of a business can depend on how they can market their products and services to their customers. Mobile apps are powerful tools to multi-channel and maintain loyal customers, making mobile app developers important in the digital world.Aside from businesses, the gaming industry needs multi-skilled and creative talents. Mobile app developers maintain and develop updates to ensure optimal user experience and prevent them from tapping the uninstall button.As the need for mobile apps arises, so does the need for multi-skilled mobile app developers. Is a career in mobile app development good? Yes! A mobile app developer’s salary in Japan can go as high as 5 to 6 million yen annually. Aside from job security, competitive pay, and opportunities to upskill, app developers play a vital role in modernizing the world.Life of a Mobile App Developer in JapanBeing involved in the development of games and apps people use is the most rewarding and exciting experience for a mobile app developer in Japan. The country is also a hub for tech-savvy individuals who are always looking for the best apps to make their lives easier. However, there is more in the process of developing mobile applications.1. Planning and requirementsJust like any development team, mobile developers also search for the tools and create designs needed for the project, and according to the client’s requests. They plan the necessities for the project such as functions, budget, and delivery date.2. TestsThe team will implement the plans and designs for the app in this stage. Mobile app development requires a series of tests to see if the app works correctly in all versions of iOS and Android operating systems. When bugs are found, developers have to make tons of adjustments in the programming until the app is ready for public release.3. MaintenanceThe job of a mobile app developer doesn’t end when the app gets released to the consumers. Operating systems and hardware constantly change, so developers need to maintain these apps to make sure that they function effectively after every OS update and on newer smartphone models. They check reviews and collect suggestions from users and clients to implement updates in mobile apps.Programming Languages and ToolsMobile app companies require different programming languages depending on the operating system and projects they market. Here are some of the popular programming languages and tools used for app development in Japan.1. JavaScriptThis programming language is not used primarily for app development. Instead, it is used to develop browsers and web pages. However, JavaScript is essential for building mobile apps when combined with CSS, HTML, and AJAX. App developers specializing in android application development must know how to use JavaScript.It’s one of the most convenient languages because developers only have to code the app once. This programming language can also be used in iOS and Windows applications.2. C#This programming language is popular among applications in the banking industry and manufacturing. Developers also recommend C# to develop graphics & designs for game applications. It is supported by Unity3D, a cross-platform game engine, making it one of the best languages for building gaming applications.3. KotlinWhen it comes to the structure of the language, Kotlin is similar to Java. This new programming language comes with advanced features and can support all Integrated development environments (IDEs), such as Android Studio and SDK toolkit. Most android app developers in Japan also recommend it. Since it’s a new code, learning the language may be difficult due to the limited sources.4. Objective-CFor iOS apps, objective-C is preferred by mobile app developers since it is the core programming language used by Apple for iOS and OS X development. Even with the release of Swift, objective-C maintains its popularity among developers because most iOS app frameworks rely on the programming language even today.5. SwiftIt is the newest programming language and is only available for iOS development and on Linux. Swift is currently the primary language used in Apple’s APIs, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.6. Alpha AnywhereIt is an excellent development and deployment tool for creating cross-platform mobile and web apps for business. It offers enterprise-grade mobile data security and comprehensive back-end date access.7. UnityThis cross-platform tool can be deployed on multiple platforms. App developers can edit images and organize animations from its built-in editor and animator window. It even has a physics engine and built-in camera, making in-game navigation simpler.ConclusionThe job of an app developer will never disappear. The demand for new applications will grow as new operating systems and phone models are released frequently. Since working from home and mobile transactions has become the new normal, there is already an increase for app development and maintenance.Despite the job security, app developers should continue to learn new languages since their market value changes rapidly and adapt to the latest technologies and coding methods to stay competitive.Sources:https://www.switchup.org/blog/the-benefits-of-learning-mobile-developmenthttps://www.joshmorony.com/6-reasons-you-should-switch-from-web-to-mobile-development/https://homebusinessmag.com/businesses/app-development/6-reasons-business-needs-mobile-app-succeed-2020/https://buildfire.com/mobile-app-development-trends/https://www.zymr.com/how-the-importance-of-mobile-apps-has-outshined-amid-the-fog-of-covid-19-pandemic/https://www.statista.com/statistics/276623/number-of-apps-available-in-leading-app-stores/https://www.statista.com/statistics/661553/global-app-stores-mobile-game-downloadshttps://medium.com/googleplaydev/find-success-for-apps-and-games-in-japan-af9e8fd1c139https://www.fca.ac.jp/work_books/9798/https://style.potepan.com/articles/136.html


Tips for IT engineers to develop apps for smart devices

Foldable smartphones, or simply just “foldables” are currently all the tech world’s rage, as industry giants such as Samsung, Motorola, LG, and Huawei have all produced their versions of the trendy new smartphone.As of the 2nd quarter of 2020, handheld devices such as Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip and Galaxy Fold, Motorola’s Razr, Huawei’s Mate X, and LG’s V50 ThinQ and G8X ThinQ Dual Screen have dominated the foldable smartphone market. The fleet of products has also garnered high sales and positive reviews from both users and critics, much to the delight of tech brands.Other companies have now seemed to follow suit, with the market leader, Apple, already planning to throw their hat in the ring with a possible foldable iPhone in the future. Some brands like Lenovo and LG have now used the new foldability features to venture into other technological areas like foldable personal computers and foldable televisions.The popularity of foldables in a technological hub like Japan has prompted the country’s top app development companies to strike while the iron’s hot. Developers are now faced with the challenge of placing their best IT engineers to build apps that will ultimately utilize the bendable gadgets’ uniqueness.But what are the challenges that these IT engineers face when creating applications for foldables? What is the role of foldable smart devices in the bright technological future? In this article, we’ll address all of those questions and better understand today’s hottest tech movement.The Challenge for IT EngineersWhile this “foldable” stage of evolution for smartphones and devices is exhilarating for users because of the boundless possibilities it presents, app development companies are also faced with enormous hurdles to create applications that are optimized for foldables.App ContinuityNow that there is a new type of smartphone screen, IT engineers need to develop apps that will present the same experience for all smartphones. IT engineers need to ensure that the applications will be picture-perfect, whether it be on standard screens or foldable ones. Additionally, IT engineers need to prepare apps that will be able to adapt to many resolutions and densities of different screen types.Before, app developers only needed apps that can run smoothly across different kinds of operating systems and devices. Now, they need to consider running apps on foldable screen types as well.Because of foldables, developers now have the added pressure of testing their applications for possible errors and malfunctions and check if the apps can perform on foldable devices.Multi-Resume Split ScreenSince foldable devices are now able to run 2 (and even 3) apps simultaneously, developers will need to optimize apps that can be used concurrently with other apps.The multi-resume split-screen presents a tricky situation for developers. The applications running simultaneously will all be competing for the same core system and will use the same processing power, battery, and memory.Moreover, the likelihood of all running apps on foldable devices using features such as the camera and voice command at the same time is high because developers create these apps with the priority of user interactivity and convenience.Both the app continuity and multi-resume split-screen features will prove to be a challenge not only for app developers, but also for smartphone brands as they have to create handheld devices that can handle the complexity of it all.Factors to Consider When Creating an App for Foldable DevicesApp development companies want to hit a home run and develop the hottest new apps to make their mark in the new foldable smartphone market. At the same time, other already established apps want to build off their success and continue to be profitable under the new trendy devices. App developers need to take note of a few things when creating or sustaining apps for foldables.ResizabilitySince foldables have much bigger screens than regular smartphones, IT engineers must start creating applications with high quality resolutions that will be auto-responsive when displayed on either a full screen or on the multi-window mode.Usability on Both ModesApp developers and IT engineers must ensure that their apps fully-functional in different screen modes for foldable devices. They must also test the applications’ seamless transition from its basic screen and then immediately shifted to the folded version and vice versa.Screen RatiosBecause foldables are a fairly new segment, brands are manufacturing the devices in all shapes and sizes, trying to find the right proportions that will be marketable with users. This forces app development companies to test their apps on various screen ratios to ensure compatibility across all types of foldables.QualitySince more companies are now looking to develop their style of foldable devices, IT engineers must ensure the quality of applications across all types of foldables. Luckily, some emulators can enable software of a particular device to perform the same way on another different or new platform.The Role of Foldable Smart Devices in the FutureAccording to Statista and USA Today, 50.1 million foldable handheld devices are projected to be shipped by 2022, a considerable jump from 2020’s 13.6 million international deliveries. This estimate shows the increase of sales since the tech’s initial conception, and it also exhibits how much faith experts have on the future of foldables.Both consumers and tech aficionados hope that the foldables’ components could be enough to change the global technological landscape. Some of the advantages of foldable devices include:Larger Screen, Smaller SizeMany people own both smartphones and tablets. They use smartphones as a daily device while tablets are for entertainment purposes. Although tablets have proven to be incredible pieces of technology, their size has proven somewhat of an inconvenience for users.Foldable handhelds could eliminate the need to buy the two separate devices because they are combined into one. No longer will you need a tablet to have a better entertainment experience; you can simply unfold your foldable, and voila, you now have a tablet-sized screen at your fingertips. Or just use it as a regular phone, and be able to insert it into your bags or pockets with no issue whatsoever.Ability to MultitaskAs mentioned before, foldables allow users to open 2 or 3 windows at the same time. This enables users to perform 3 different tasks simultaneously.Imagine watching a live sporting event on the first tab, doing some work on a spreadsheet on a separate tab, and still being able to chat with family and friends. Users could now have a new way of saving energy as their television, laptop, and phone needs are jam-packed into one device.Room for Better HardwareSince foldables are much bigger and thicker than conventional smartphones, companies can put better and more efficient hardware into their products.Tech brands can put more hardware like larger dual batteries, which will give the foldables a longer battery life, and better camera sensors for improved photo and video capture.Fresh DesignEver since the launch of the first iPhone and subsequent start of Apple’s phone market dominance, every other brand has been emulating its new product designs.With the introduction of foldables, companies now have more leeway in terms of product design. And seeing as this segment is at its early stages, the room for design development will surely grow in the foreseeable future.ConclusionThe innovations brought about by foldables could likely influence and shape the ever-growing technological market. Every brand will create their versions of the new tech trend, much like how app development companies are going to be competing to develop the benchmark when it comes to foldable phone applications.Because the foldable device movement is just starting, IT engineers will face new challenges in building mobile apps in the coming years. But, rest assured, IT engineers will fix these kinks along the way, just as they are right now.Sources:https://www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2020/02/17/like-it-or-not-the-future-is-full-of-foldables/#6d14c4c27766https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-to-develop-apps-for-foldable-smartphones/https://servreality.com/blog/how-to-develop-apps-for-foldable-devices/https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/foldableshttps://mobidev.biz/blog/how-to-develop-apps-for-foldable-dual-screen-smartphoneshttps://buildfire.com/mobile-app-development-trends/https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-trends/Japan-s-suppliers-eagerly-eye-market-for-foldable-smartphoneshttps://japantoday.com/category/tech/samsung-to-launch-foldable-smartphone-in-septemberhttps://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2019041001142/sharp-unveils-prototype-of-foldable-smartphone-display.htmlhttps://www.tomsguide.com/us/foldable-phones-release-date,news-28705.htmlhttps://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/146826-best-foldable-smartphoneshttps://www.businessinsider.com/apple-iphone-fold-new-patent-foldable-phone-2020-7https://www.forbes.com/sites/adrianbridgwater/2019/05/06/why-foldable-phones-present-flexibility-challenges/#7203fd661f33https://www.mindinventory.com/blog/how-to-develop-apps-for-foldable-smartphones/https://appinventiv.com/blog/app-development-for-foldable-phones/https://thenextweb.com/plugged/2019/02/21/why-you-should-be-excited-for-foldable-phones-and-why-you-shoudnt/

Job Hunting Knowledge

Qualifications to be a Software Tester in Japan

Developing successful software is one of the most challenging but rewarding feats to accomplish in the ever-evolving technological field. Factors such as rapid technological advancement, increasing customer demands, limited resources, and time limitations are enormous hurdles for development teams to overcome.For brand new software to be realized, the entire development staff must be knowledgeable about essential aspects such as programming, programming languages, frameworks, and APIs.The launching of successful software is also difficult without the perfect collection of individuals and programming experts dedicated to completing the same mission. A development team needs to secure the right project sponsor, product owner, project manager, subject matter experts (SMEs), software developers, technical lead, user acceptance testers, and software testers.Software testers play a pivotal role in development companies; that’s why they are in high demand in a country like Japan. High-quality products, superb services, and technological innovations and breakthroughs from companies are anticipated in the country.But what qualifications do employers in Japan require from aspiring software testers? Discover the prerequisites needed from software testers and the types of responsibilities they’ll have once they join the Japanese workforce.What is a Software Tester?Software testers are some of the essential individuals in software development, as they ensure the overall quality of the products before being introduced in the market. They will inspect the software of any errors, defects, and bugs.During the planning and preparation stages, software testers will review and contribute test plans. Aside from this, they will also handle the assessment, review, and analysis of technical requirements and design specifications.Software testers also play a hand in identifying test conditions. They are crucial in creating test designs, test cases, test procedure specifications, and test data. Plus, they also automate or help in automating the tests.Software testers also assist in development by setting up test environments or support system administration and network management staff in completing this step. They administer the tests and oversee the test environment.Testers are also responsible for documenting the tests, evaluating results, and identifying issues. Throughout the entire process, they will review everything plus write an account of defects and test outcomes.About JSTQB (Certification)Japan Software Testing Qualifications Board (JSTQB), which operates under the rules of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), is a qualification system that was created to examine and improve software engineers’ capabilities in testing. These qualification systems were first implemented in partnership with the Japan Science and Technology Federation. For software engineers and testers to work in Japan, they must obtain the JSTQB test engineer qualification certificates.The JSTQB certification test will only be available in Japanese. So, if foreign software testers want to take the exam in a foreign language, they are advised to take it under an “outside company” that conducts the same tests. Foreigners are reminded to check if these exams are administered by a certified company that is also a registered member of ISTQB and complies with ISTQB standards. The tests done by outside companies do not follow the regular JSTQB schedule.JSTQB has 3 types of tests: the Foundation Level, Advanced Level Test Manager, and Advanced Level Test Analyst. Applicants need to have the foundation level certificate and 3 years of work experience to take the two advanced level tests. Foundation level exams are held once every 6 months (mid-February to late August), and the advanced ones don’t have a definite schedule.Both foundation and advanced levels have a multiple-choice format questionnaire. But some items may prove to be tricky, as some questions will require examinees to choose multiple correct answers.Foundation level exams have a time limit of 60 minutes while advanced level exams end after 180 minutes. Examinees can finish the foundation level and leave the examination area for as early as 30 minutes, and advanced level takers can leave after 60. But JSTQB imposes strict guidelines and will not allow the examinees to re-enter the premises after submitting their exams.JSTQB is adamant in keeping the questions a secret, so applicants will have to rely on their overall knowledge, study approach, and work ethic to prepare for the certification exams. Luckily for software testing aspirants, ISTQB publishes the exam’s syllabus on their website.Foundation level takers can check the syllabus here: https://www.istqb.org/downloads/syllabi/foundation-level-syllabus.htmlWhile advanced level applicants can check the syllabi here:https://www.istqb.org/downloads/syllabi/advanced-level-syllabus.htmlQualifications of a Software TesterJapanese application development companies want to ensure that they are hiring the best possible candidates for the job, as they want to compete with or prevail over other development companies. Aside from the JSTQB certification, companies also require software testers to meet additional standards.Companies in Japan are looking for software testers with the necessary educational background. So, software testers who have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, mathematics, or engineering will have the upper hand during the application process.Software testers also need to have the skills to back up their credentials. As mentioned before, testers need to monitor and document test plans and procedures, execute tests, review results, and document problems.They need to understand methodologies and software testing platforms or environments and be knowledgeable about testing tools. They need to master UNIX, Linux, and Windows and be familiar with scripting and command-line tools. Testers are required to be proficient in various programming languages, such as C# or C++, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, and Ruby on Rails.Software testers can improve their chances of employment by having some seminars and training under their belt. But seeing as the entire world is under the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, it would be hard for software testers to attend huge gatherings such as seminars. Fortunately, there are several excellent resources available online.You can attend seminars online (webinars) through the Association for Software Testing (AST)’s Youtube channel. Microsoft Virtual Academy also offers training such as Software Testing Fundamentals course and Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio course online.ConclusionSoftware testers are sought after by companies developing innovative software, as their expertise brings a lot of value for their working and future projects. For an advanced country like Japan where technology companies are everywhere, opportunities for software testers are aplenty.You can apply for software testing jobs in Japan as soon as the COVID-19 crisis is over. Discover openings and useful tips on our website below. Good luck with your future endeavors, and we hope all of you stay safe!

Career Development

Progressive Web Application (PWA): The Next Big Thing

The pandemic has made Japanese spend most of their time browsing the internet and shopping online. With the increasing e-commerce activities, businesses have shifted their resources and focus on internet marketing requiring the expertise of more developers in the country.Since more people own smartphones than laptops and desktop computers in Japan, what should developers focus on? Should it be the improvement of mobile web experience or mobile application development? The tech industry is taking this opportunity to suggest an emerging technology that can improve mobile user experience.What is a Progressive Web Application?Progressive web applications (PWAs) are websites that use the combination of web and mobile application technologies. It can deliver an app-like experience to users accessing a site or online store through their mobile website. But how exactly are they different from native apps?A native app is a software program similar to a Microsoft Office application. It only works for use on a specific platform or device. However, a PWA works like Google Docs that perform functions similar to native programs but on an internet browser.Though both applications almost perform the same tasks, the PWA’s app-like interface has made it popular among businesses and the IT industry nowadays. But since it’s new in the market, aspiring developers are looking for more information about its qualities and importance in their field.Features of PWANative and mobile applications have been in the industry longer. However, in the past few years, several IT companies have emerged specializing in creating PWAs as more businesses have seen its benefits in terms of sales and shorter development time.Here are some of the features highlighted by developers that make PWA the next big thing in the industry.1. ProgressivePWAs can work on different operating systems, such as Android and iOS, and browsers available in the market. Its progressive enhancement allows it to work on any platforms, unlike native apps.2. Responsive.The PWA’s responsive design can allow the technology to function on mobile devices and a desktop. The UI can also be designed to have a similar interface, like a native app.3. Connectivity IndependentOne of PWA’s selling points is that it can function with either limited or no connectivity due to the enhanced service workers. The loading time of websites is shortened since the website’s content is cached, which also enables offline site usage.4. App-likeUsers can add the page from the website to the device’s home screen like a mobile app.PWA Trends in JapanAn internal team of front-end developers can easily build PWAs as the technology is based on common web standards like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.The newest PWA frameworks have allowed developers to turn a site into a PWA without issues. They can support the front-end from the platform’s back-end while supporting sales and marketing teams as well.In Japan, companies have been turning some of their business websites into PWAs. Two good examples are the Japanese newspaper company Nikkei, which has shifted from the native mobile app to PWA in 2017, and the gourmet news website Retty. The faster loading times and performance have increased traffic and conversions on their websites.Outlook in JapanNot much attention is paid to PWA since most mobile devices used by the Japanese are powered by iOS. However, in 2018, Apple added a service worker, a core function of PWA, into Safari. Other PWA features such as push notifications, background synchronization, and web manifest, are expected to be developed soon.As Apple continues expanding its PWA plugins and features, the trend for the use of this technology is seen to rise in the coming years. Thus, developers with the knack for PWA are needed in the country.Tools for PWAJapan has seen the need for PWA developers in e-commerce, and with the recent pandemic, the need for fast page display is becoming more evident.Though developers can seamlessly convert mobile websites into PWA, there are cases where they encounter complicated business websites and online stores. Thus, any changes in PWAs are to be made with extra caution. Developers should have the skill to use the right framework and tools for PWA development.Here are some widely used tools used by PWA developers in Japan.1. PolymerThis built-in PWA tool by Google contains templates and provides the best documentation among the open-source PWA tools available. It simplifies the whole development process and shortens the work needed for PWA development.2. AngularJsAngularJs is a widely used PWA tool among web development companies in the world. It has a Jason Configuration and JavaScript to build a dynamic PWA. Since it’s one of the oldest tools, it has the largest community support.3. ReactFacebook created this PWA tool in 2013. It serves as a JavaScript library for interface design and is currently one of the dominant libraries for front-end web interface design. It has better scalability, making it the top choice for building robust applications. Social media giants such as Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp have also used this PWA tool.4. VueBig companies like Alibaba and Laravel use this open-source PWA tool. It has easy coding and rendering features, and clear and detailed documentation. The number of Vue developers are limited, which makes them in demand today.5. Apache CordovaThis open-source PWA framework uses plugins to simplify communication between a native web and JavaScript code on the native Android platform. It is a suggested tool for developing PWA for Android. Cordova plugins include battery status, file access, and ringtones, and also supports two other PWA tools: Adobe PhoneGap and Ionic.Will PWAs be The Next Big Thing in Japan?Leading tech companies have been promoting the benefits of PWAs over native apps. It has made its way in the market and has garnered everyone’s attention in the industry for its notable features. Will it overshadow native apps in Japan? Major brand names have started moving from native apps to PWAs, and better things await as this technology continues to develop.When it comes to iOS, Apple has encouraged more of its users to create web applications instead of native apps. As Apple rolls out more PWA features into Safari, Japan will have more iOS compliant PWAs and will need more PWA developers in the future.Sources:https://itegration.com/progressive-web-apps-pwa/https://divante.com/pwabook/chapter/08-features-of-pwa.html#the-core-features-of-a-pwahttps://buildfire.com/pwa-mobile-the-next-big-thing-in-mobile/https://customerthink.com/5-best-tools-for-building-progressive-web-apps/https://www.iflexion.com/blog/progressive-web-app-frameworkhttps://medium.com/@firt/progressive-web-apps-in-2020-c15018c9931c

Social insurance & Welfare

Is Medical Insurance Mandatory in Japan?

Studying in Japan for a long period of time, such as for study abroad, working holiday, and job hunting, can be a pleasure, but at the same time, you may be worried about illness and injury.In this article, we would like to explain the conditions for taking out a medical insurance in Japan, the types of medical insurance, insurance premiums, and procedures for foreigners who are planning to stay in Japan for a long period of time.Is it Absolutely Necessary to have government medical insurance?If you are covered by the government’s medical insurance, the co-payment of medical expenses to hospitals is basically 30% for people between the ages of 6 and 70. For example, when a medical cost is 10,000 yen, you can only pay 3,000 yen if you show your health insurance card to the hospital. This is the advantage of medical insurance in Japan.In other countries, it is generally up to the individual to purchase medical insurance, but in Japan, all citizens (regardless of nationality) are required to have some type of medical insurance. In other words, all foreigners who are staying in Japan for a long period of time other than a short stay (3 months) are required to take out a medical insurance policy.What kind of Medical Insurances are available in Japan?In Japan, there are two types of medical insurance in general.1.Social health insurance (Shakai-hoken) The health insurance is for company employees in Japan.2.National health insurance (Kokumin-kenko-hoken) The health insurance is for housewife, freelancer, students with more than 20 years old and so on. In case of foreigners, it’s foreign students and foreigners who came to Japan on a working holiday and so on.From now on, we would like to explain these two types of medical insurance briefly.What is Social Health Insurance for Companies Employees?Social insurance (shakai-hoken) consists of five components: health insurance, employees’ pension insurance, long-term care insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance, health insurance is included in this social insurance (shakai-hoken).In Japan, full-time, contract, and part-time employees who meet the following requirements are eligible for social insurance: employees who work 20 hours a week, earn at least 88,000 yen a month and have been working for at least one year. Whenever a company hires an employee who meets certain requirements, it is obligated to have he or she joins the social insurance system.How much is the Insurance Fee for Social Insurance (shakai-hoken) ?The amount of social insurance fee varies depending on the area you live in, your income, and which health association you belong to. Therefore, the fees paid by a person working in Tokyo and Osaka are different.And the payment of social insurance premiums is usually made by the company. The company deducts the monthly social insurance fee from the employee’s monthly salary, so the employee does not have to go through the payment process.In case of employees and family members working for small and medium-sized companies who joined “Association Health Insurance” (Kyokai-kenpo), the health insurance premium rate in Tokyo from April 2020 will be 9.87% of their monthly salary as a monthly health insurance fee.However, instead of paying the entire amount individually, the company and the individual will pay half of the insurance premiums. Therefore, half of the 9.87% of your monthly salary will be deducted from your salary as health insurance premiums.In addition to the health insurance premiums, there are other social insurance fees such as employee pension insurance, which are generally deducted from your monthly salary.※The following links are for information about health insurance.What is a Health Insurance Society?Table of health insurance and employees’ pension insurance premiums since April 2020/ Association Health InsuranceWhat is National Health Insurance (kokumin-kennko-hoken) ?It is a health insurance program run by local governments and is available to those who are listed on the Basic Resident Register and are not covered by the company’s health insurance. You are obliged to purchase this insurance if you are staying in Japan for more than three months for purposes other than tourism. For example, foreign students who are studying in Japan or foreigners who are coming to Japan on a working holiday are required to join the National Health Insurance.If you want to know more about National Health Insurance, please take a look at the links that explain National Health Insurance in English, Spanish, Chinese, and other languages. National Health Insurance in English, Spanish, Chinese and other languages. ((About National Health Insurance / Multilingual))How much is the National Health Insurance Premiums?Insurance premiums vary greatly depending on the city, town, or village you live in, your income, and other factors. The following website provides a simulation of the national health insurance fees. However, please note that fees vary from city to city and town to town, so please use it as a guide only.National Health Insurance Premium Simulation (Japanese)Procedures and the Time Frame Required to Obtain Medical InsuranceProcedures for Health Insurance (social insurance) for full-time, contract, and part-time employeesHealth insurance (social insurance) is medical insurance that foreigners who come to Japan to work. He or She can enroll in when they join a company. Therefore, the first condition for enrollment is that the foreigner must have a labor visa.The application for social insurance (health insurance) is not to be completed by the foreigner him/herself, but together with the company where he/she joins the company. The company and the employee will fill out the documents prepared by the company and submit them to the health insurance association with necessary documents such as the validated residence card, passport, and my-number card.How long it takes for health insurance (social security) to become available?Using the “Association Health Insurance” (Kyoukai-kenpo) as an example, you will receive your insurance card in about 7 to 10 days from the date the company submits the documents. However, it tends to arrive later during the busy season in April and other months when people enter and leave the company. Since this is only an example, the period of time may vary depending on the health insurance association you join.National Health Insurance ProceduresIf you want to apply for National Health Insurance, you must apply for it within 14 days from the date of entry into Japan, the date of your move to another city or prefecture in japan, or the date you lost your social insurance membership (e.g., the date you resigned). Even if you resign from your current employer, you do not need to apply for National Health Insurance as long as you start working at your new employer within 14 days of the date you resigned.In Japan, it is compulsory to enroll in health insurance, so if there is a delay in the application process, you will be billed for the delayed amount at a later date, so please be careful. If you visit a hospital or other medical facility while you are not covered by the insurance, you will be responsible for 100% of the cost of the visit.We would like to introduce what you need in order to enroll in the National Health Insurance.Foreign Students (Ryuugakusei) PassportResident card (Zairyu-card)Student ID cardWorking HolidaysResident cardPassportWhen you lose eligibility for social insurance (when you leave a company)Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident CertificateOne of the following: certificate of disqualification (health insurance), release form, retirement certificate, or tax withholding certificate (with the date of retirement entered)How long it takes for National Health Insurance to become Available?Unlike health insurance (social insurance), you can apply for National Health Insurance at the city hall. The National Health Insurance card is issued on the same day as the application and can be used at hospitals and other facilities from the same dayConclusionIn Japan, it is compulsory to purchase medical insurance so that all citizens can easily go to the hospital even for minor symptoms such as “slightly feverish” or “feeling sick”. Because of this, the amount of money that an individual actually pays at the hospital is about 30% of the total cost.In addition, there is a system called the high-cost medical care benefits system, which sets an upper limit for monthly medical expenses based on income, so if you have a surgery or hospitalization that results in high medical expenses, you can receive a refund for any medical expenses that exceed the upper limit of your copayment.


Covid-19 travel rules in Japan

Due to the impact of the new coronavirus (COVID19), travel to and from Japan has become increasingly difficult. This article is divided into two sections, “Departing from Japan to a foreign country” and “Entering Japan from a foreign country,” with information on reference websites and the current status of travel information for foreigners.Travel Conditions for Entering JapanDue to the spread of the new coronavirus, the entry of tourists and outgoing foreign residents into the country has been restricted since mid-March, and as of July 24, 2020, those who have been in countries subject to denial of landing will not be able to enter the country unless there is a special reason.More detailed information about the countries subject to refusal of entry to Japan and more detailed information is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (link below).Note that foreigners (including those from the countries and regions where the entry bans do not apply) who will arrive in Japan with a flight via any of those 146 countries or regions which are subject to denial of permission to enter, with a purpose of refueling or transit, will also be denied to enter Japan in principle. This will apply regardless of whether they have entered those countries or regions or not. Foreigners from the countries and regions, where visa restrictions (suspension of visa validity or suspension of visa exemption measures) do not apply, will also be subject to entry bans if transiting through the 146 countries or regions.Reference:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan / Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)Information is updated on a daily basis, so be sure to check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website every time you have to travel.Permission to re-enter Japan for foreign residents and studentsRestrictions on entry to Japan have reached more than 120 countries, and the period of restriction is much longer than expected due to the lack of improvement in the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus around the world. There was no guarantee that a person would be able to enter Japan, even if he or she had to return to their home country to take care of a family member who was in their home country for an emergency, or if he or she was studying in Japan and left Japan for a vacation period.However, taking this circumstance into account, the government announced that on July 29, 2020, they will consider re-entry for those with residency status.On August 29, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that expatriates and international students with a status of residence in Japan would be allowed to re-enter the country on a conditional basis from August 5, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. Until now, foreign nationals who had departed from a country or region subject to denial of entry were, in principle, not allowed to re-enter the country.Reference:Re-entry of foreign residents / JiJi.com Translated from Japanese to English by GtalentAs stated in the above news article, the government has announced that from August 5th foreign nationals holding residence statuses, such as international students, permanent residents, long-term residents, and work visas, will be officially allowed to re-enter the country.※Foreigners are not yet allowed to enter Japan for the purpose of tourism. There is also a wide range of residency statuses, so please make sure to check the statuses carefully.What do I need to enter Japan again? What’s the procedure?As mentioned above, the Japanese government announced on August 5 that not only Japanese people are being allowed to re-enter the country, but also foreigners with residency status. Since the number of people coming from the countries subject to refusal of entry is much higher than before, the government has begun to strengthen its quarantine measures to prevent more people from becoming infected in the country.From now on, we would like to explain the documents required to re-enter the country.Documents required for re-entry COVID-19 Test ResultThe prescribed format for the certificate must be completed by the local medical institution and signed or stamped by the doctor.Process and Required Documents for Re-entry Confirmation of Submission of Reentry Related DocumentsYou can download the necessary documents for re-entry on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Application for Confirmation of Submission of Reentry Documents PassportA valid re-entry permit (including a deemed re-entry permit) must be affixed. Resident Card (zairyu-card)It must not have expired.Pre- and Post-Reentry ProceduresYou must take a PCR test within 72 hours of departing from the country / region in which you are currently residing and certify that the test result is negative.You will need to receive a “Confirmation of Re-Entry Document Submission” from the diplomatic mission in your country or region.When you arrive in Japan, you must take the PCR test again, regardless of your country or region of origin.You must do self-isolation for 2 weeks. The place of isolation will be designated by the laboratory director, and you may be required to stay in the hospital or at home.Can you go abroad during corona season?There are many foreign employees and students who have to leave Japan to take care of their parents, relatives, and children, but there are many countries like Japan that prohibit or restrict the entry of people who have stayed in countries with high numbers of infected people (countries subject to refusal of entry).From now on, we are going to provide information on travel from Japan to other countries for foreigners and international students who have been planning to leave Japan or are considering leaving the country.Travel Information for Leaving JapanMore and more countries are gradually easing their travel restrictions and accepting visitors from Japan. As the measures and documents required for arrival in each country differ, we would like to introduce some websites where you can check the travel situation in each country.Website of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs is arguably the most reliable source of information in Japan.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website has a detailed list of entry restrictions for travelers from Japan to each country. It has a detailed list of restrictions on the entry of travelers from Japan to each country.  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 1 user79 pocketsBorder enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID…https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page4e_001053.html   Trip.comTrip.com is an online travel agency that provides up-to-date information on travel conditions in each country. The website provides detailed information about travelers from Japan in each country. jp.trip.com 1 userhttps://jp.trip.com/travel-restrictions-covid-19/https://jp.trip.com/travel-restrictions-covid-19/提携ホテルは120万軒以上、200ヶ国以上を網羅。3000万件を超えるユーザーレビューで、お客様にぴったりの宿選びも簡単。航空券は5,000以上の目的地からお選びいただけます。24時間・年中無休の日本語カスタマーサポートで、お客様の旅をいつでもお手伝いいたします。 ※For countries not listed on the above two sites, please contact the embassy or consulate for details.ConclusionCurrently (as of August 6, 2020), most countries are experiencing a second wave of infections. As a result, information on travel is constantly being updated. It is always a good idea to check with your home country’s embassy or other authorities for final information based on the information and websites provided in this article.


Featured Image Recognition& Analysis Technology Companies

At present, there has been a remarkable advancement in the technology of image recognition and analysis in the world. In China, image recognition and analysis technology has been used to arrest more than 5,000 fugitives and has been effective in a variety of fields such as automated driving.In this article, we would like to introduce some of the hot companies in Japan and abroad for engineers who are interested in companies that are making a splash in image recognition and analysis technology.What kind of Technology is “Image Recognition & Analysis”?First of all, we would like to explain what image recognition and analysis is.Image recognition is a technology that allows a computer or machine to identify what exactly is in an image. This is one of the pattern recognition technologies that read features such as color and shape from an image and put those features into various learning machines to recognize new images.Reference: Ledge.ai / Web Media Specializing in AITranslated from Japanese to English by GtalentTo illustrate with an example, the technology allows AI to analyze features such as “fluffy, small, tail, ears, eyes, and shape” from an image and recognize that the thing in the image is a “cat”.Mechanism for Image Recognition and AnalysisThe basic mechanisms of image recognition and analysis can be classified into two types: “Recognition/Analysis” and “Detection”.(Table Reference:IMagazine /Image Recognition & Analysis, Table translated from Japanese to English by GTalent)“Recognition and Analysis” is the stage of classifying the various information in an image by features. For example, if an image has human features, it is used to determine how many people are present in the image by collecting them. Also, “Detection” is the stage where the information gathered so far (people, cars, etc.) is used to determine where in the image it is located.International Companies that are in the SpotlightWe are going to introduce four companies that are providing Image Recognition & Analysis Technology services that are gaining worldwide attention.ChinaSenseTimeThe company, said to be one of the world’s top-valued venture firms, aims to apply its image recognition technology to a wide range of fields, and is also involved in businesses other than face recognition, such as automated driving and medical image analysis. In addition, SenseTime is also actively collaborating with government companies, and its investor, Alibaba, is expanding its reach into smart city projects.SenseTimeFACE++Face++ is the first company that uses artificial intelligence for facial recognition and is one of the most notable AI startups in the world. In addition to its introduction in the Beijing police force, Face++ authentication systems have also been introduced in several major banks, the Alibaba-affiliated payment service Alipay, and the major car dispatch service Didi.FACE++USAGumGumGumGum is a new type of advertising platform that specializes in creating brand engagement aligned with premium editorial content that is guaranteed to be seen. It is best known for creating in-image advertising.The company is so high-profile that it does business with more than half of AdAge’s top 100 U.S. ad spenders, including Disney, L’Oreal, Toyota and Samsung.GumGumSwitzerlandScanditScandit is changing the way businesses and consumers interact with everyday objects, enabling businesses and consumers to use smartphones, tablets, wearables, drones, and robots to scan barcodes and extend the real-time data obtained by recognizing text and objects in the physical world. Many of the world’s innovative companies are already reaping the benefits of Scandit’s next-generation mobile data capture platform. Clients include world-renowned companies such as Ahold, Levi Strauss & Co, Coop, Macy’s, Louis Vuitton, DHL, Cardinal Health, NASA, and Verizon Wireless.ScanditImage Recognition Technology Companies in JapanWith the growing interest in image recognition and analysis technology in Japan, we would like to introduce some Japanese companies that have already succeeded in expanding their business overseas and companies that provide familiar services using this technology.Manufacturing IndustryYE DIGITALYE DIGITAL has developed MMEye, an AI image evaluation service that uses AI technology to allow for real-time inspection of defective products at the manufacturing site. It is one of the Japanese companies that has become a hot topic not only in the Japanese manufacturing industry but also overseas.YE DIGITAL / AI Image Analysis ServiceDENSODENSO is one of the world’s leading suppliers of advanced technologies, systems, and auto-parts for the automotive industry.Customers include the world’s major car manufacturers such as Toyota, Daihatsu, AUDI, BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, and many others. Globally, it is a large company that can have more than 200 subsidiaries and affiliates in 38 countries and territories.Denso is focusing on image recognition and analysis, also it is said to have the world’s top-level automated driving technology with its strengths in “image sensing” and “automated driving algorithms”.Denso / Automatic DrivingMedical IndustryHoloeyesHoloeyes is a company that is introducing VR and MR-based services to the medical field and medical education. The company provides services using image recognition and analysis technology that allows data to be converted into 3D and stored as a digital library, which can be viewed at any time.Holoeyes / Medical VRApparel IndustryFirst RetailingStyleHint is an application developed jointly by UNIQLO and G.U, group companies of First Retailing that uses image recognition and analysis technology to search for outfits.The app allows you to search for images of similar clothing outfits from your smartphone’s camera roll, Instagram, and other photos as well as UNIQLO and G.U. products that are similar to those images.StyleHint / UNIQLO & G.U.Chaos Map of Japan’s Image Recognition & Analysis TechnologyFinally, here’s the chaos map of Japanese image recognition & analysis technology published by AISmiley (as of June 2020). In addition to the services we’ve covered so far, there are many other companies offering services.Reference: AISmiley / Chaos Map of Japan’s Image Recognition & Analysis Technology 2020 (Article in Japanese)ConclusionIn recent years, many services that use image recognition and analysis technologies have been created in Japan, and the Japanese image recognition and analysis industry is a great place to grow for IT engineers who want to develop products that have a social impact using such technologies.If you are a foreign IT engineer looking to work for a company with Japanese image recognition and analysis technology, register with G Talent, the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.



今年に入り、Googleがノーコード開発のプラットフォームの「Appsheet」を買収したことやAmazonがノーコードツールの「Amazon Honeycode」を公開するなど、ノーコード開発が世界的に大きに大きな話題となっております。開発にかかるコストの削減や開発スピードを劇的に向上させることからIT人材が不足している日本でも注目を浴びるようになりました。この記事では、最近、日本で多くの注目を浴びているNoCode(ノーコード)開発とその人気ツールについて、日本のWebやスマホアプリの開発トレンドに興味を持っている外国人やITエンジニア向けにご説明をしたいと思います。NoCode(ノーコード)とは何か?NoCode(ノーコード)ツールとは、技術者ではない人でもコード、つまり、プログラミング言語を書くことなく、独自のアプリケーションを構築することができるソフトウェア開発プラットフォームです。これらのツールは、多くの場合、ドラッグ&ドロップ機能を備えたシンプルなユーザーインターフェイスを特徴としており、開発プロセスを簡単に可視化し、基礎となるビジネスロジックを定義することができます。NoCode と LowCode (ローコード)の用語自体はよく同様に思われる場合が多くありますが、名前が示すように大きな違いがあります。 NoCodeNoCodeプラットフォームでは、ユーザーが基本的にプログラミング言語を用いることなくソフトウェアを構築することができます。 LowCodeLowCodeプラットフォームは、限られた量のコーディングが必要となる場合があり、開発プロセスの一部または全部の間、プログラミングの知識がないユーザーが開発者(知識のあるもの)と協力して作業する必要があります。※LowCode についてもっと詳しく知りたい方はこちらのリンクをご参考にしてみて下さい。(ローコード開発とそのメリットについて)NoCodeを用いるメリットプログラミング知識が必要ないNoCodeでアプリケーションを作るのであれば、1からコーディングを行うためのプログラミング知識は必要ありません。これまでアプリ開発とは異なり、プログラミング言語の知識がない人でもアプリ開発をすることが可能になります。例えば、IT部門の人材ではない各事業部で働く人たちが、自分で普段の業務課題を解決できるシステムを開発することや新しいシステムやサービスの素晴らしいアイデアを持っている人が、プログラミングの経験がなくても、そのアイデアを実現できるようになります。開発期間を短縮できるNoCodeの開発では手書きのコーディングにかかる時間がないため、アプリやサービスの発案から開発・リリースまでの期間を大幅に短縮することができます。多様化したニーズに応え、数多くの革新的な企業や事業がある中で生き残るためには、よりスピーディーな開発が要求されます。新たなビジネスアイデアの速度に対応することで、ノーコードという開発手法が今後大きな意味を持つことになると言えるでしょう。具体的なNoCodeサービスこれからは、注目を浴びているNoCodeサービスとその特徴をご紹介したいと思います。Bubble  Bubble 9 tweets123 users5721 pocketsThe most powerful no-code platformhttps://bubble.ioBubble introduces a new way to build a web application. It’s a no-code point-and-click programming tool. Bubble hosts all applications on its cloud platform.  Webアプリのフロントエンドからバックエンドまで柔軟に開発をすることが可能ですドラッグ&ドロップエディタによる直感的なインターフェースを利用していますBubble自身のデザイナーが作成した無料・有料のテンプレートが豊富です外部サービスと連携するための約1,000種類のプラグインを持っていますNoCode開発ツールの中ではトップの知名度を持ち、豊かなカスタマイズ性と分かりやすい開発手順から、海外だけではなく日本でも多く利用者に愛用されています。Adalo  www.adalo.com 37 users1097 pocketsAdalo – Build Your Own No Code Apphttps://www.adalo.comAdalo makes creating apps as easy as putting together a slide deck. Turn your idea into a real native app — no code needed!  1つのツール上でWebアプリとスマートフォーン向けのアプリを両方とも開発することが可能です「Zapier」と連携しているため、外部サービスの「GMail」や「Google Spred Sheet」などとも簡単に連携ができ、業務自動化のツールとしても活躍することができるツールです画面構築に活用するUIパーツが準備されているので、ユーザーは自分の作りたいシステムにマッチするパーツをドラック&ドロップするだけでシステムを構築することが可能ですAppsheet 2020年1月にGoogleにより買収されてから日本でも注目を浴びるようになりました予算アプリ、ウェビナーアプリ、見積と提案アプリ、などの社内の業務に関するアプリが数多く作成できますUI/UXは既に用意されている10種類以上のものから選択しカスタマイズ可能となっております  AppSheet 42 users1001 pocketsAppSheet : mobile apps from spreadsheets :https://www.appsheet.comMake apps with no-code. AppSheet's no-code app building platform allows you to quickly build apps to collect, or connect to, data. Start building for free now.  Retool  retool.com 46 users3106 pocketsBuild internal tools, remarkably fast.https://retool.comRetool is the fast way to build internal tools. Drag-and-drop our building blocks and connect them to your databases and APIs to build your own tools, instantly. Connects with Postgres, REST APIs, GraphQL, Firebase, Google Sheets, and more. Built by developers, for developers. Trusted by startups and Fortune 500s. Sign up for free.    便利なドラッグ&ドロップエディタを使用しています機能豊富なコンポーネントライブラリ(テーブル、テキスト入力など)により、内部ツールをより速く構築できますデータを操作するための再利用可能なコードブロックと、手動でコードをカスタマイズする機能があり、独自性のあるコンテンツに仕上げることが可能ですまとめノーコード・プラットフォームはITビジネスに革命をもたらし、これまで以上に簡単に機能豊富なエンタープライズ・ソフトウェアを立ち上げて使い始めることができるようになりました。人間主導のソフトウェア開発の必要性は常にありますが、ノーコード・プラットフォームはあらゆる規模の企業や業界にとって重要なスペースを埋めています。日本のWEBやスマホアプリの開発に興味があり、日本の企業で働きたいという外国人のITエンジニアの方は、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントG Talent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で日本のテクノロジー企業への転職をご支援いたします。