

Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 3

We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about what they think foreigners need to succeed in a Japanese company. Understanding the local language and culture play a huge advantage in the workplace, but many other factors are also important. Find out here.Japan is a great place to live according to many rankings. The economy is stable, the crime rate is low and there are plenty of technology-related jobs. But, do foreigners really want to live permanently in Japan? Find out here for how long IT foreign engineers would like to stay in Japan, also how many years they would like to work in their next company.This article is volume 3 of the survey result about foreign IT engineer working in Japan. If you are interested in other volumes, please check out from following articles.Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 1Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 2What do foreigners need to succeed in a Japanese Company?Working in a Japanese company can be quite an adventure and it might be difficult to adjust to the many unspoken social norms. We asked 100 foreign IT engineers what do they think foreigners need in order to succeed in a Japanese company.Business Level Japanese ProficiencyMany Japanese companies are looking for IT talent with a business level of Japanese ability. Even for IT engineers, due to the frequent communication with co-workers and clients, Japanese ability has become the rule in order to successfully communicate and not miss important details regarding a project, the language ability also allows to make decisions together and not being left out. Many companies also think that the higher the Japanese level is, the higher is the commitment to Japan.Understanding of Japanese Corporate CultureThe Japanese language and the Japanese business culture is intertwined, by speaking the language makes it easier to understand some of the social norms and workplace rules. The work culture in Japan may come as a shock to those coming from abroad, but it is important to get to know the social rules to build meaningful business relationships. One of the most important values of Japanese culture is harmony, by prioritizing the needs of society rather than personal interest or opinion. Instead of making decisions based on individual authority, Japanese companies tend to emphasize group consensus in order to maintain peaceful cooperation within the organisation and harmony within the team.Able to Report, Contact and Consult (Ho-Ren-So)Horenso is a basic rule for business communication that is often employed by companies throughout Japan to ensure an efficient system of information sharing. The term is an acronym built of three words and stands for Hōkoku (報告) which means “report,” Renraku (連絡) which means “communicate,” and Sōdan (相談) which means “consult”.If you are planning to work at a Japanese company, then it is a good idea to remember this rule, as it will facilitate your job in a Japanese working environment.For How Long You Want to Live in Japan?This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers shared their plans for the future. From the pie chart, it is clear that the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 56.5%, would like to live in Japan forever. Many foreigners enjoy the safety and stability that the country provides. Following the 18.5% who would like to at least stay for more than 3 years. 8.3% more than 6 years, and the smaller groups, with 6.5% that would like to either, stay for more than 1 year or more than 10 years.Japanese Level of IT EngineersThe better your Japanese skills, the more opportunities will be open to you. So, unless you have highly technical skills as an engineer you can be an exception to language requirements. According to GTalent’s database, this is the rate of Foreign IT engineers Japanese skill.This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers stated their current Japanese level. From the chart, the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 42.6%, are skilled in business level Japanese. The next bigger group, 35.2% with a conversational level ability in Japanese. 10.2% are fluent in Japanese, 6.5% have no Japanese ability and only 5.6% have basic knowledge of Japanese. For many employers, basic ability of Japanese is the same as almost none, since most of them are still not able to maintain a conversation.For How Long Would You Like to Work in Your Next Company?The chart is divided into 6 parts. 54.2% of foreign IT engineers stated that they would like to stay forever in their next company. The group who would like to work for more than 3 years has the second largest number with 25%. Following is the group who would like to work for more than one year with 9.4% of the foreign IT engineers. The next three smaller groups are as follows, 5.2% more than ten years, 4.2% more than six years, and 2.1% less than a year.ConclusionIn conclusion, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers find Japan attractive. Contrary to what many Japanese companies think, foreigners living in Japan are actually looking to stay most of their lives not only in Japan but even in their next company. As for the Japanese level, we would like to invite you to improve your Japanese skill if you are already thinking about staying in Japan forever. This will help you to thrive in your career in Japan as well as to understand Japanese business culture and have better business relations with your co-workers and clients.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.


Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with 50,000 yen Amazon Gift Card !

Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with Amazon Gift Card 50,000 yen!Please refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!If your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!Available conditionsYour friends and acquaintances who meet the following conditions are available!Foreigners living in Japan.Those who can speak Japanese(More than JLPT N3 level).IT Engineer and Those who studied programming at universitiesPlease refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!※Those who have already registered with G Talent are not eligible.IncentiveIf your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive a 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!You will get an email with Amazon gift card within one week from the day one month has passed since the friend who joined the new job.Campaign DeadlineRegistration by June 30, 2020*You can get the incentive even if the friend who you refer to us change job after the deadline.EntryPlease register below!Refer-a-Friend Incentive Campaign Entry FormPlease let your friend who you refer to us know in advance that he/she will be contacted by G Talent.We look forward to introducing your friends!


The Space Business Industry and Current Situation

There has been a lot of business news about space lately.IHI has developed an engine for a small artificial satellite at a third of its original price; Amazon is planning to launch 3,000 satellites; SpaceX is planning to launch more than 10,000 satellites, and so on. Major companies and venture capitalists from the United States, China, and other countries around the world have entered the space business and are investing heavily in it, making it more exciting than ever.In this article, we will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the current state of the global space industry and its various fields for those who are new to the industry. The article is also available in Japanese: 宇宙ビジネス業界の現状をわかりやすく解説!.The Space Business FieldWhen you think of the space business, rockets are probably the first thing that comes to mind. However, the space business actually includes a wide range of fields other than rockets.What is space business?The business of launching and operating satellites and utilizing data for commercial purposes in space. The space business is a general term for businesses related to space, including companies that provide services such as satellite broadcasting, communications, and satellite data utilization for commercial purposes, as well as the space industry related to infrastructure, such as the manufacture of rockets and satellite equipment and facilities for the military, which is supported by government demand.Reference:Kotobank / What is the Space Business?In addition to rockets, the space business encompasses many other areas, including using satellite data to improve services on the ground. Also, the space business has been especially booming in recent years.Next, I’d like to explain why this industry is now so active.Why is the Space Business so popular right now?On May 30 (local time), the spacecraft “Crew Dragon” of the U.S. SpaceX was successfully launched and docked to the space station on May 31.You can watch the whole process from launch to docking on YouTube and other sites, but watching the touch screen installed in the Crew Dragon’s cabin and the two astronauts changing from their spacesuits to polo shirts and chinos along the way, it seemed like the threshold for space travel had been lowered.Reference: WEDGEInfinity / Why is the Space Business so popular right now?Compared to a few years ago, space has become more accessible, with private companies being able to successfully launch manned rockets into space.With the announcement by the U.S. company Amazon plans to launch 3,000 satellites for communications services and SpaceX plans to launch more than 10,000 satellites for communications as well, companies from other countries are expected to join the rush of launches by these two major companies.In addition to the growing demand for small satellites for sensing from space, the cost of launching small rockets, which have a shorter lifespan than conventional rockets, has decreased and the frequency of launches has increased, which is one of the major factors boosting the space business.However, various problems have arisen in this business.For example, how to collect Space Debris?(Garbage generated by used satellites and collisions between satellites)Businesses related to space debris are also receiving a great deal of attention, with a number of leading ventures recently emerging to solve this problem.In the next section, I would like to categorize the space business and explain each category in detail.Classification of the Space BusinessIn this explanation, we have divided the space business industry into three categories.Three categories of Space BusinessManufacturing & InfrastructureSpace UtilizationSpace ResearchI’d like to explain each of these with an industry map.Manufacturing & InfrastructureManufacturing FieldThis field manufactures rockets, satellites and ground stations. The field of manufacturing of small rockets and small satellites has been attracting a lot of investment recently.Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is the invisible backbone of services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure is an area that will become increasingly important in the future for convenience, services, and national security and defense. Space UtilizationThe utilization of space can be divided into two categories: the use of satellites and the use of space.Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites refers to the use of satellites to study location information and climate change. In other words, satellites at this time are used to improve services on earth.Use of SpaceAs the name implies, the use of space represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, it means storing energy in an environment that cannot exist on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather. Space ResearchThe goal of this field is to help humans enter space.There are two main types of space exploration: manned space exploration, in which humans board rockets and other vehicles to explore space, and unmanned space exploration, in which only a spacecraft goes into space without a human presence.Unlike manufacturing/infrastructure and space utilization, this is an area of space business where the goal is not to improve services on Earth, but to expand the scope of activities into space. ConclusionIn this article, we have introduced the concept of the space business and its constituent fields. In the next article, we would like to give you detailed information about each field and introduce you to some representative companies in each area.If you are a foreign engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with G Talent , the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job in the Japanese Space Business for free.


Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol.1

The IT sector in Japan continues to expand, however, it is still predicted that in the year 2030, there will be a shortage of IT engineers with 420,000 to 790,000. Recently, the number of companies which recruit foreign IT engineers is increasing. In a competitive situation, they strive to hire talented engineers. But, how is it like to work as an IT engineer in Japan?We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about their experience, their main concerns, what makes them feel supported by their employers, and what kind of companies they want to work for.Main ConcernsYour first job as an IT engineer in Japan starts off exciting. Maybe working in Japan was your dream, but after a few weeks, the downsides of the job start getting to you. GTalent conducted a survey and realized that foreigners found negative aspects of working in Japan that made them consider changing jobs. The most reoccurring ones are shown in the chart below:Career Path is UnclearThis was the most common concern among IT engineers who are currently working in Japan. This makes them feel unsure about where they are going in life and it’s difficult to set meaningful work goals, also, it is easy to become demotivated and disinterested in the job. By changing jobs to a company that supports your career, you will be able to find motivation and be eager to add value to the company.Training and Education System is not SubstantialThe importance of adequate employee training can severely impact team morale. Strong development and career progression opportunities are considered among the most compelling and yet, seems to be a common concern for IT engineers in Japan who want to work with the latest technology.The lack of training of IT engineers might lead to poor job performance and increased levels of work-related stress.Can’t Get Rewards According to their Abilities and EvaluationA feature of the Japanese pay system is that many companies employ on a “seniority-based system,” whereby salaries are increased in nearly direct proportion to age and the years of service. While this evaluation system has been changing over the years in many Japanese companies, some IT engineers in Japan still face this problem, where their age sometimes plays an important role in salary increases.What Makes Them Be Satisfied with Their Workplace?Many companies in Japan want to leverage their foreign employees’ strengths and use their unique perspectives as an advantage. It’s good to keep in mind the positive aspects that motivate foreign employees.Use of Japanese Language in the WorkplaceMany foreigners with Japanese skills prefer to work in a full Japanese environment to improve their language skills. This seems to be an important factor to those who wish to fully immerse in Japanese culture.A Full Implemented System for Accepting ForeignersMany foreigners prefer to work in an inclusive company, in which Japanese and foreign staff can work in a comfortable environment. This also means that companies need better systems and programs to help foreign workers learn the Japanese language and integrate different cultures into the company smoothly.Support from their SurroundingsCreating relations that go beyond the working environment is fundamental for many IT engineers in Japan. Of course, communication can be hard, especially at the beginning, since you might not be able to speak Japanese, that’s why many foreigners appreciate the support from their colleagues and bosses.What is the Most Important Factor for Different Cultures?We separated our candidates into 4 main areas: Western World, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia.Western WorldWestern Candidates stated that 3 factors were equally important. Comparing with other cultures western candidates emphasized the importance of Work-life Balance.South AsiaFor South Asian cultures, many candidates considered important the relationship with their colleagues and bosses. It seems that mutual support in the working environment is highly appreciated. oSoutheast AsiaSoutheast Asians made emphasis on wanting to work while using their Japanese language skills. The opportunity to get to blend with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture through the language is an important reason for choosing a company.East AsiaEast Asian IT engineers are also looking for a Japanese working environment where they can make use of their Japanese language skills. While they also aim to work on a company that has implemented a system for hiring foreigners, they as well want to work with the best talent. Working with skilled engineers who are experts at their job improves business productivity, which leads to improving workplace relations, as they will be able to get on with the job and work harmoniously with their colleagues.What Do Japanese Companies Should Do in Order for Foreigners to Play an Active Role?IT engineers from different cultures agreed that Japanese companies should be more open to the international community and take the initiative to promote diversity in the workplace. In addition, they should adjust the work-styles to more flexible ones and improve the Work-life balance.As we mentioned above, many foreigners are looking forward to getting along with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture, so a Japanese language education is a benefit that foreign workers would appreciate having.As for foreign IT engineers, technology is an important aspect to consider when changing jobs, so a company that uses the latest technology and takes new business and technology challenges seems to be more appealing and would attract skilled IT engineers.ConclusionOverall, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers are looking for more inclusive workplaces. A company that promotes diversity and understands the difference between cultures with an open approach can contribute to creating a better workplace where the employees can thrive and improve productivity.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.


The Space Business Industry: World's Most Admired Japanese Ventures

We would like to introduce some of the Japanese venture companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business industry.The first part of this article explains the current state of the industry and its classification, so if you want to understand the industry first, please refer to the previous article, “The Space Business Industry and Current Situation“.Featured Japanese Companies in the Space BusinessWe would like to introduce Japanese companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business.Manufacturing FieldThis field involves the manufacture of rockets, satellites and ground stations. Recently, an increasing number of companies are investing in the production of small rockets and small satellites.AxelspaceAXELSPACE is a Tokyo-based space start-up company specializing in the development of low-cost, short-duration nano-satellites. AXELSPACE’s small satellites are capable of detecting a wide range of anomalies, as they can routinely monitor the Earth from 600 km above the ground. In addition, the company is one of the companies that are attracting attention in the space business, which also analyzes and provides information on the data obtained from satellites.  Axelspace 2 tweets39 users74 pocketsホームhttps://www.axelspace.comSpace within Your Reach  Interstellar TechnologiesUnlike Axelspace, Interstellar Technologies, which was founded in 2013, is not developing small satellites, but rather small rockets and their launching. The company is also sponsored by the IT entrepreneur “Horiemon”, which has become a hot topic. In addition to small rockets, the company is also attracting attention for its efforts to develop low-cost liquid fuels.  インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc. 249 tweets21 users104 pocketsインターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc.http://www.istellartech.com宇宙空間へ低コスト・オーダーメイドのロケット打ち上げサービスを提供します。宇宙圏に到達する観測用ロケットと小型衛星等を宇宙空間に運搬する軌道投入用ロケットを独自開発しています。  Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is an area that supports the services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure will become increasingly important for convenience, services, and national security/defense in the future.InfostellarGiving instructions to satellites has been complicated and has the disadvantage of being able to do it only a few times a day.Infostellar is trying to change that by getting satellite operators to share their antennas.By connecting antennas around the world and creating one network, they are working to make it possible for everyone, from meteorologists to farmers, to be connected to a satellite anytime, anywhere. In addition, the fact that the company has been selected for the ICT innovation creation challenge program (I-Challenge!) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) makes it an increasingly popular company.  Infostellar 2 usersインフォステラは、クラウドベースの地上局アグリゲーターStellarStationの提供を…https://infostellar.net/infostellar-jpAdd a description for facebook  Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites is used to study things such as location and climate change, and their use is used to improve overall services on earth.Magellan Systems JapanMagellan Systems is a company that provides high-precision satellite positioning systems. Magellan Systems is a company that contributes technologically to a wide range of fields, such as smart agriculture, automated driving, and drones, with its self-developed satellite positioning system.(What is Satellite Positioning System /Magellan Systems)  マゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えます 4 users9 pocketsマゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えますhttps://www.magellan.jpマゼランシステムズジャパンは、衛星受信モジュール開発のパイオニア企業です。  Use of SpaceThe use of space, as the name implies, represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, storing energy in an environment that is impossible on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather.PeptiDreamThanks to the zero-gravity environment of space, precipitation and condensation of aqueous components produced during the purification of proteins can occur, producing clean proteins and facilitating the analysis of their structure.This was the focus of PeptiDream. This was the inspiration for PeptiDream. Currently, PeptiDream provides treatments such as special peptide treatments and small-molecule treatments, and is also conducting high-quality protein crystal generation experiments in the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station “Kibo”.  www.peptidream.com 1 tweet8 users16 pocketsPEPTIDREAM INC ペプチドリーム株式会社https://www.peptidream.comペプチドリーム株式会社は、 非標準のペプチド治療薬の発見と開発を目的とした東京大学発のバイオベンチャー企業です。 PeptiDream Inc is involved in the discovery and development of nonstandard peptide therapeutics.  Space ExplorationSpace exploration is divided into two types: Human Space Exploration, where humans board rockets and other vehicles for space exploration, and UAV Space Exploration, in which an aircraft without a human pilot onboard goes into space.PD AerospaceThe company is developing a reusable aircraft for space transportation, combining jet combustion and rocket combustion, which could be developed in-houseIt is a high-profile venture that aims to make space travel a success.  pdas.co.jp 1 pocket宇宙機事業|事業内容|PDエアロスペース株式会社|民間主導の宇宙機開発。有人…https://pdas.co.jp/business01.htmlPDエアロスペース株式会社は民間主導の宇宙機開発を行い、有人機、無人機の完全再使用型の宇宙機を開発しています。  Space DebrisSpace debris is “debris generated by used satellites or collisions between satellites”. Removing this space debris is another important area of the space business.AstroscaleFounded in 2013, AstroScale provides active space debris removal services to mitigate the growth and danger of debris accumulation in space. Other services include in-situ space status checks to ensure that satellites and rockets do not collide with space debris.  J-Startup 1 pocket株式会社アストロスケール | J-Startuphttps://www.j-startup.go.jp/startups/005_astrosocale_japan_inc.htmlアストロスケールは、宇宙機の安全航行の確保を目指し、スペースデブリ(宇宙ゴミ)除去サービスの開発に取り組む初の民間企業です。シンガポール本社創設(2013年)以来、 日本でのR&D拠点設立(2015年)、英国子会社の設立(2017年)等、グローバルに事業を展開しています。持続可能な宇宙利用の為、技術、ビジネスモデル、法規制といった複数の課題解決に取り組み、スペースデブリ除去・軌道上サービスの展開を目指しています。  ConclusionWe sincerely hope that our previous and current articles on hot ventures in the space business industry will further deepen your interest in the space business.Also, if you are a foreign IT engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with GTalent, the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers in Japan. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.


Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 2

The IT sector in Japan continues to expand, however, as Japan’s shrinking population makes it harder for employers to fill posts, more of them are opening their positions to foreigners. Also, many foreigners are thrilled to improve their careers in Japan, but what motivates foreigners to work in Japan?We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about their reasons for the decision to work in the land of the rising sun and what found attractive on a job when chinging jobs in Japan. We will also share with you the current salary trend for IT engineers.Reasons to Work in JapanJapan is often said to be one of the most highly developed and technologically advanced nations in the world. Japan offers advanced technology in its major metropolises and beautiful landscapes that you can find just an hour away by train from Tokyo. We asked 100 foreign IT engineers their reasons to choose Japan as a work destination.Future Career AdvancementJapan offers exceptional opportunities to grow both technical and non-technical skills by working with high-end technology, along with talented engineers from around the world. Japan continues to lead the world in science and engineering, but due to the shortage of domestic IT-skilled talent and an increasing need for organizations to look overseas to fill the talent gap more companies are hiring top talent from around the globe. Many companies in Japan encourage working with the latest technology and tools to improve the technical skills of their engineers. As for non-technical skills, you will be encouraged to improve your planning, process, and eye for detail skills.Interest in Japanese CultureMany foreigners emphasize Japanese politeness. People in Japan tend to go out of their way to be helpful to others, the care put in interactions with others is one of the highlights of Japanese culture, and this translates in the workplace as people making an effort to be pleasant and non-confrontational. Apart from this, the food, the people, the architecture and the “kawaii” culture seem to be quite attractive for foreigners.Japan is Safe and Has a Good Living EnvironmentJapan is known for its relative safety with low crime levels, and Japanese cities are often globally ranked as the safest cities to live in. Japan puts a strong focus on crime prevention, making it less common to commit violent crimes. Violent crime in Japan is almost non-existent as the nation and its population value peace and prosperity over minor inconveniences or trifles that may lead to conflict.What is Attractive When Changing Jobs in Japan?In today’s highly competitive hiring landscape in Japan, IT engineers have endless work opportunities to choose from. Engineers are entering an expanding job market, which leads to more open jobs than skilled workers to fill them, that leaves employers at a disadvantage. So what exactly are foreign IT engineers putting weight on when choosing a job opportunity?Able to Use Their Experience and SkillsMany foreigners consider that being able to transfer their skills and abilities gained from previous working experiences and use them in their future career is the main reason for them to choose a new job opportunity. Being able to transfer their skills to new positions will help them go beyond their job description.The Job They Want to DoIT engineers who quickly learn new skills and gain experience from various places and situations may want to take it to the next step, maybe by applying for a manager position or just a position that allows them to thrive in their desired industry.Good SalaryA competitive salary is a key piece of talent attraction. Job seekers want to be paid their worth and to be compensated for the expertise and IT skills they bring to the table. Especially, in a competitive job market as it is Japan’s IT Industry. Check out our salary guide for up-to-date 2020 salary data found below that’ll help you stay competitive.Current Salary Trend of IT Engineers- November 2020This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers shared their current annual salary. From the pie chart, it is clear that the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 42.7%, are below 4 million yen. Following the 29.2% earning more than 4 million and less than 6 million yen. 16.7% earns more than 6 million and less than 8 million yen and in the smaller group, only 11.5% earns more than 8 million yen.ConclusionIn conclusion, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers found many attractive points about living in Japan. And while the salary is not as high compared to other countries, Japan offers a lot of other perks that make the country attractive to foreigners who seek job opportunities abroad.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.


Unique Japanese Business Etiquette for Foreigners!

Japan is known throughout the world as a country with a unique culture and style such as sitting on the floor (Seiza) or eating holding tableware and bringing it closer to their mouth. This unique style is not only reflected in their personal lives, but also the Japanese business world.In this article, we would like to introduce some of the Unique Japanese Business Etiquette that cannot be learned in language schools and other schools for foreigners who are planning to work in Japan or are currently working in Japanese companies.Unique Japanese Business MannersExchange of Business CardsIn the U.S. and other countries, business cards are just contact information cards, but in Japan, it is used as a substitute for greetings. There are some things you should pay attention to when you exchange business cards because there is an old belief in Japan that a business card is the same as a person’s face.When to Exchange Business Cards?In Japan, when you meet someone for the first time, you must exchange business cards when you start working with them. This will be the first impression you get when doing business in Japan, so why not practice the following steps to help you get started?Procedure for exchanging business cardsWe’d like to give you a brief introduction to the process of exchanging business cards in Japan. Take a business cards from the business card case.The first person you need to exchange business cards with in any situation is the boss or superior you are visiting. Before exchanging business cards, you should take out enough cards for each person you are giving them to and place them underneath the card case. You should place your hand on your chest when exchanging cards. The inferior one in the business (Meshita) had to start the exchanging of the business card.When you exchange business cards in Japan, the basic rule is that the inferior person who is visiting should give their card first. The word “inferior” here does not refer to the skills, age or the position of the person, but to the person who offers a business idea. For example, if a salesperson is proposing a product to a company that has been approved for a visit, the salesperson must show his or her business card first. Be careful not to get this procedure wrong, as it is rude to the other party. Give the name of the Company and your Name.When exchanging business cards, instead of offering your business card silently, make eye contact with the person you are giving it to and say, “My name is XX and I work for XX company.Some foreign names are difficult for Japanese people to understand, so try to say your name slowly and clearly using the katakana pronunciation. Receive the business card with both hands.When accepting a business card, say “Thank you” (Choudai-Itashimasu) and accept it with both hands. When you receive the card, be careful not to block the part of the card where the other person’s name and company name are written with your fingers. If you do not know how to read the person’s name, ask the person when you receive the card. During business negotiations, put the business card you received on the left front.Place the other party’s superior’s business card on your card case and arrange them in order of seating position close to your left hand (if you are right-handed).Place the card case in the opposite direction of your dominant hand to prevent it from being dropped accidentally when you are taking notes (if your left-handed, place it close to your right hand).A society where your seat depends on the company hierarchyIn the Japanese business world, you must pay attention to your superiors when you are in a business meeting or a meal. Not just wording, you also need to pay attention to where you sit. Although the above business card exchange manner is well known abroad, the seating arrangement we are about to explain is not so well known in other countries, but it is a business etiquette that has existed in the Japanese business scene for a long time.The order of seating is ① > ② > ③, in order of high hierarchy.As shown in ① above, the seat farthest from the entrance is called “kamiza”. The seat closest to the entrance is called the “shimoza”; in the above diagram, “shimoza” is ③.The Origin of Kamiza & ShimozaIn the Japanese business world, it is common practice to recommend the “kamiza” to customers and superiors.The origin of these words was in ancient times (Muromachi Period 1336-1573) when Samurais still existed. To reduce the risk of the assassination of a nobleman or person of high status, they were to sit away from the entrance. Also, because of the large number of people coming and going out from big rooms, they started asking people of the higher status to sit farthest away from the entrance so that people of higher status would be more comfortable.Even now, this crisis management mindset is still present, not only in meetings but also in taxis and elevators, where we ask our bosses and superiors to sit in a position where they can be safe or stand in a position where they can avoid injuries in a case of breakdown.On-time = 5 minutes agoIn Japan, arriving on time is almost the same as being late for an appointment. Punctuality is taught from elementary school and is part of the Japanese culture. Therefore, it is important to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the start of a business meeting. Before you leave for your destination, find out how to get there, and if you need to take a train, find out the departure time and transfer point in advance.“First names” or “Last names”?In foreign countries, people often introduce themselves by saying “I am XX” or “My name is XX”, starting with their first name. However, in Japan, when you are in a close relationship with someone, you often call them by their first name, so in Japanese business situations, you should basically call them by their last name with a “san” at the end, not their first name. If the person you are talking to is a customer, you should call them by their last name adding a “sama” at the end.ConclusionThese days, this type of business etiquette is becoming less common in Japan, but it can still be found in various business situations in Japan.However, if foreign employees can use Japanese business etiquette, they can show their colleagues and superiors that they have a positive attitude towards working at a Japanese company and can make a big difference to other employees who are not as well versed in this area.There is no loss in learning the above-mentioned business etiquette, so why not learn it for your career growth?


Featured Image Recognition& Analysis Technology Companies

At present, there has been a remarkable advancement in the technology of image recognition and analysis in the world. In China, image recognition and analysis technology has been used to arrest more than 5,000 fugitives and has been effective in a variety of fields such as automated driving.In this article, we would like to introduce some of the hot companies in Japan and abroad for engineers who are interested in companies that are making a splash in image recognition and analysis technology.What kind of Technology is “Image Recognition & Analysis”?First of all, we would like to explain what image recognition and analysis is.Image recognition is a technology that allows a computer or machine to identify what exactly is in an image. This is one of the pattern recognition technologies that read features such as color and shape from an image and put those features into various learning machines to recognize new images.Reference: Ledge.ai / Web Media Specializing in AITranslated from Japanese to English by GtalentTo illustrate with an example, the technology allows AI to analyze features such as “fluffy, small, tail, ears, eyes, and shape” from an image and recognize that the thing in the image is a “cat”.Mechanism for Image Recognition and AnalysisThe basic mechanisms of image recognition and analysis can be classified into two types: “Recognition/Analysis” and “Detection”.(Table Reference:IMagazine /Image Recognition & Analysis, Table translated from Japanese to English by GTalent)“Recognition and Analysis” is the stage of classifying the various information in an image by features. For example, if an image has human features, it is used to determine how many people are present in the image by collecting them. Also, “Detection” is the stage where the information gathered so far (people, cars, etc.) is used to determine where in the image it is located.International Companies that are in the SpotlightWe are going to introduce four companies that are providing Image Recognition & Analysis Technology services that are gaining worldwide attention.ChinaSenseTimeThe company, said to be one of the world’s top-valued venture firms, aims to apply its image recognition technology to a wide range of fields, and is also involved in businesses other than face recognition, such as automated driving and medical image analysis. In addition, SenseTime is also actively collaborating with government companies, and its investor, Alibaba, is expanding its reach into smart city projects.SenseTimeFACE++Face++ is the first company that uses artificial intelligence for facial recognition and is one of the most notable AI startups in the world. In addition to its introduction in the Beijing police force, Face++ authentication systems have also been introduced in several major banks, the Alibaba-affiliated payment service Alipay, and the major car dispatch service Didi.FACE++USAGumGumGumGum is a new type of advertising platform that specializes in creating brand engagement aligned with premium editorial content that is guaranteed to be seen. It is best known for creating in-image advertising.The company is so high-profile that it does business with more than half of AdAge’s top 100 U.S. ad spenders, including Disney, L’Oreal, Toyota and Samsung.GumGumSwitzerlandScanditScandit is changing the way businesses and consumers interact with everyday objects, enabling businesses and consumers to use smartphones, tablets, wearables, drones, and robots to scan barcodes and extend the real-time data obtained by recognizing text and objects in the physical world. Many of the world’s innovative companies are already reaping the benefits of Scandit’s next-generation mobile data capture platform. Clients include world-renowned companies such as Ahold, Levi Strauss & Co, Coop, Macy’s, Louis Vuitton, DHL, Cardinal Health, NASA, and Verizon Wireless.ScanditImage Recognition Technology Companies in JapanWith the growing interest in image recognition and analysis technology in Japan, we would like to introduce some Japanese companies that have already succeeded in expanding their business overseas and companies that provide familiar services using this technology.Manufacturing IndustryYE DIGITALYE DIGITAL has developed MMEye, an AI image evaluation service that uses AI technology to allow for real-time inspection of defective products at the manufacturing site. It is one of the Japanese companies that has become a hot topic not only in the Japanese manufacturing industry but also overseas.YE DIGITAL / AI Image Analysis ServiceDENSODENSO is one of the world’s leading suppliers of advanced technologies, systems, and auto-parts for the automotive industry.Customers include the world’s major car manufacturers such as Toyota, Daihatsu, AUDI, BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, and many others. Globally, it is a large company that can have more than 200 subsidiaries and affiliates in 38 countries and territories.Denso is focusing on image recognition and analysis, also it is said to have the world’s top-level automated driving technology with its strengths in “image sensing” and “automated driving algorithms”.Denso / Automatic DrivingMedical IndustryHoloeyesHoloeyes is a company that is introducing VR and MR-based services to the medical field and medical education. The company provides services using image recognition and analysis technology that allows data to be converted into 3D and stored as a digital library, which can be viewed at any time.Holoeyes / Medical VRApparel IndustryFirst RetailingStyleHint is an application developed jointly by UNIQLO and G.U, group companies of First Retailing that uses image recognition and analysis technology to search for outfits.The app allows you to search for images of similar clothing outfits from your smartphone’s camera roll, Instagram, and other photos as well as UNIQLO and G.U. products that are similar to those images.StyleHint / UNIQLO & G.U.Chaos Map of Japan’s Image Recognition & Analysis TechnologyFinally, here’s the chaos map of Japanese image recognition & analysis technology published by AISmiley (as of June 2020). In addition to the services we’ve covered so far, there are many other companies offering services.Reference: AISmiley / Chaos Map of Japan’s Image Recognition & Analysis Technology 2020 (Article in Japanese)ConclusionIn recent years, many services that use image recognition and analysis technologies have been created in Japan, and the Japanese image recognition and analysis industry is a great place to grow for IT engineers who want to develop products that have a social impact using such technologies.If you are a foreign IT engineer looking to work for a company with Japanese image recognition and analysis technology, register with G Talent, the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.


"NoCode" Development Trend in Japan

This year, Google acquired Appsheet, a platform for no-code development, and also Amazon released Amazon Honeycode, a no-code tool, and no-code development has become a hot topic worldwide.In this article, we would like to explain NoCode development and its popular tools, which have been getting a lot of attention in Japan recently, for foreigners and IT engineers who are interested in Japanese web and smartphone app development trends.What is NoCode?NoCode tools are software development platforms that allow non-technical people to build their own applications without having to write codes or even a programming language. These tools often feature a simple user interface with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to easily visualize the development process and define the underlying business logic.The terms NoCode and LowCode themselves are often thought of as being similar, but as the names suggest, there is a big difference. NoCodeThe NoCode platform allows users to build software with essentially no programming language. LowCodeLowCode platforms may require an amount of coding and require users with no programming knowledge to work with the developers (knowledgeable ones) during some or all of the development process.※To learn more about LowCode, please take a look at this link. (What is LowCode)Benefits of using NoCodeNo programming knowledge requiredIf you are building an application with NoCode, you don’t need to have any programming knowledge to code from scratch. This is different from app development in the past and makes it possible for people with no knowledge of programming languages to develop apps.For example, people working in various business units who are not part of the IT department will be able to develop systems that can solve everyday business problems on their own, or people who have great ideas for new systems and services, but without any programming experience.Shorter development timeNoCode development eliminates the time it takes to code by hand, so the time from app or service conception to development and release can be significantly reduced.Faster development is required to meet diversified needs and to survive in the midst of numerous innovative companies and businesses. With the speed of new business ideas, the no-code approach to development will take on greater significance in the future.Featured NoCode ServicesWe would like to introduce you to the NoCode service that is getting a lot of attention and its features.Bubble  Bubble 9 tweets123 users5721 pocketsThe most powerful no-code platformhttps://bubble.ioBubble introduces a new way to build a web application. It’s a no-code point-and-click programming tool. Bubble hosts all applications on its cloud platform.  Flexible development from the front end to the back end of a web application is possible.Uses an intuitive interface with a drag-and-drop editor.There are plenty of free and paid templates created by Bubble’s own designers.It has about 1,000 different plug-ins for connecting with external services.Bubble is the most popular development tool in NoCode tools and is used by many users in Japan as well as abroad for its rich customizability and easy-to-understand development procedures.Adalo  www.adalo.com 37 users1097 pocketsAdalo – Build Your Own No Code Apphttps://www.adalo.comAdalo makes creating apps as easy as putting together a slide deck. Turn your idea into a real native app — no code needed!  It is possible to develop both web and smartphone apps on a single tool.Since it is linked with “Zapier”, it made easily linked with external services such as “Gmail” and “Google Spreadsheet”, it is a tool that can be used as a tool for business automation.UI parts for screen building are available, so users can build a system by simply dragging and dropping the parts that match the system they want to build.Appsheet  AppSheet 42 users1001 pocketsAppSheet : mobile apps from spreadsheets :https://www.appsheet.comMake apps with no-code. AppSheet's no-code app building platform allows you to quickly build apps to collect, or connect to, data. Start building for free now.  It has been in the spotlight in Japan since it was acquired by Google in January 2020You can create a number of apps for your internal operations, such as budget apps, webinar apps, quote and proposal apps, and moreReusable code blocks for manipulating data and the ability to manually customize the code to make it unique to your contentRetool  retool.com 46 users3106 pocketsBuild internal tools, remarkably fast.https://retool.comRetool is the fast way to build internal tools. Drag-and-drop our building blocks and connect them to your databases and APIs to build your own tools, instantly. Connects with Postgres, REST APIs, GraphQL, Firebase, Google Sheets, and more. Built by developers, for developers. Trusted by startups and Fortune 500s. Sign up for free.  Works with useful drag and drop editor.A feature-rich component library (tables, text entry, etc.) allows you to build internal tools faster.Reusable code blocks for manipulating data and the ability to manually customize the code to make it unique to your content.ConclusionThe no-code platform has revolutionized the business of IT, making it easier than ever to get up and start using feature-rich enterprise software. While there will always be a need for human-driven software development, the no-code platform fills an important space for businesses and industries of all sizes.If you are a foreign IT engineer interested in working for a Japanese company and would like to work for a Japanese company, register with G Talent, a recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.


IT Engineers Bid Goodbye to jQuery with Bootstrap 5

JavaScript is one of the most sought-after programming languages in the world. For most developers, their first experience with JavaScript came from JQuery. It is a popular JavaScript library and framework, providing compatibility features to browsers such as interactive web pages, single-page apps, AJAX requests, and mobile web apps.As more people rely on their smartphones for information, new open-source frameworks have evolved to cater to mobile web development projects. One of the best CSS and JavaScript frameworks recommended by web developers is Bootstrap.BootstrapBootstrap’s library is a collection of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript UI widgets. It is designed as a starter kit for developers to build websites and mobile applications. It gained its popularity among the web development community for its ease of use and excellent documentation.The previous versions of Bootstrap heavily relied on jQuery codes to create dynamic layouts for websites and web applications. Its earlier versions came with JavaScript components in the form of JQuery plugins.However, in June 2020, Bootstrap 5 Alpha was released and dropped its support for Internet Explorer and removed jQuery from its framework. The Bootstrap Core Team wants to develop future-friendly tools for better APIs, great CSS variables, and faster JavaScript.One of their improvements is dropping their Button plugin for an HTML and CSS only approach to toggle states. Checkboxes and radio buttons now power toggle buttons.What’s New?Dropping support for Internet Explorer and the removal of jQuery are few of the highlights in Bootstrap 5. Besides focusing on code quality and interface, the Bootstrap team also improved its old features and made new ones to benefit web developers.1. Responsive Font SizesBootstrap 5 will ease the challenges faced by developers in solving typography problems. They can now control the appearance of typographies on web pages with the responsive font size.RFS is a unit resizing engine that automatically calculates the appropriate font-size values based on the user’s screen size or viewport. It can resize values for any CSS property with units, like margins, padding, border-radius, or box-shadow. It also works on preprocessors or postprocessor tools such as Sass, Less, Stylus, or PostCSS.2. Change Gutter Width Unit of MeasurementYou can specify sizes or lengths of CSS elements using various units of measurements such as em, % vw, and vh, but web developers widely use pixels or px. In Bootstrap 5, the team changed the gutter width from px to rem.Rem or root em is equal to the calculated value of font-size on the root element. For example, 1 rem is similar to the font size of the HTML element.3. Navbar UpdateIn Bootstrap 5, the inline-block on the navbar has been removed and uses a flex shorthand. The Bootstrap team also removed the brand margin caused by requiring containers in navbars.4. SVG Icon LibraryIn Bootstrap 5, a brand new SVG icon library was made by the co-founder of Bootstrap Mark Otto. Developers can now use these icons in their projects.5. Enhanced Class UpdatesThe Bootstrap 5 has added and removed CSS classes from the 1,500 in Bootstrap 4. Here are some of the CSS classes in the new version.gx-* classes control the horizontal/column gutter widthgy-* classes control the vertical/row gutter widthg-* classes control the horizontal & vertical gutter widthrow-cols-autoThe following are the CSS classes removed by the Bootstrap team.form-rowform-inlinelist-inlinecard-deckBootstrap in JapanThis open-source framework has also reached Japan’s thriving tech industry. It is highly recommended by the web developer community in the country for JavaScript and CSS.If you’re planning to work as a web developer in Japan, IT companies value front-end developers with experience working on Bootstrap and JavaScript. Salaries could go as high as JPY 4 million and JPY 7.5 million because top companies in the industry highly use the open-source framework.If you have tried working with the previous versions of Bootstrap, it may be easier for you to adjust working with its version 5. Here are some of the critical changes in Bootstrap 5 and the skills you have to learn before working in Japan as a web developerJavaScriptWith Bootstrap 5 functioning without jQuery, developers don’t have to worry about the size and adding non-essential functions while writing vanilla JavaScript code.However, developers who only know how to use jQuery will be greatly affected by this change. This might be an excellent chance to learn JavaScript from the root since it is a widely-used programming language. Being adept at JavaScript can open career opportunities in the tech industry.In Japan, a web developer’s salary also depends on the programming language used. A JavaScript front-end engineer can earn about 88.10 million yen annually.From Jekyll to HugoIT companies in Japan are looking for web developers who can use various open-source static site generators, such as Jekyll and Hugo.Developers have used Bootstrap 4 as a tool for integrating Jekyll through SASS. But with the recent developments in Bootstrap 5, the team has made a switch to the fast and flexible static site generator Hugo.Hugo has already been making waves in the web development community for its easy configuration and excellent integration. Being skilled in the open-source static site generator will be beneficial as more web developers in Japan use Bootstrap and other open-source frameworks in the future.ConclusionBootstrap has already been recognized in Japan’s web development community for its versatility and well-designed CSS and JavaScript frameworks. As more people access the web from various devices such as laptops, desktop computers, and mobile devices, the need for better user experience for all viewports will require businesses to have responsive web designs.One of the most challenging experiences faced in web development is coming up with a base for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to each project. The Bootstrap team aims to cut down the workload of web developers with the latest features and fixes made on Bootstrap 5. As they make frameworks light, simple, and fast, web developers will continue to recommend the use of Bootstrap in the future.References:https://blog.getbootstrap.com/2020/06/16/bootstrap-5-alpha/https://designmodo.com/bootstrap-5/https://www.infoq.com/news/2020/08/bootsrap-5-drops-jquery/https://bootstrapstudio.io/pages/releases/https://www.zdnet.com/article/bootstrap-a-ui-framework-used-by-20-of-internet-sites-is-dropping-ie-support/https://www.sejuku.net/blog/102624