Social insurance & Welfare

Is Medical Insurance Mandatory in Japan?

Studying in Japan for a long period of time, such as for study abroad, working holiday, and job hunting, can be a pleasure, but at the same time, you may be worried about illness and injury. In this article, we would like to explain the conditions for taking out a medical insurance in Japan, the types of medical insurance, insurance premiums, and procedures for foreigners who are planning to stay in Japan for a long period of time. Is it Absolutely Necessary to have government medical insurance? If you are covered by the government’s medical insurance, the co-payment of medical expenses to hospitals is basically 30% for people between the ages of 6 and 70. For example, when a medical cost is 10,000 yen, you can only pay 3,000 yen if you show your health insurance card to the hospital. This is the advantage of medical insurance in Japan. In other countries, it is generally up to the individual to purchase medical insurance, but in Japan, all citizens (regardless of nationality) are required to have some type of medical insurance. In other words, all foreigners who are staying in Japan for a long period of time other than a short stay (3 months) are required to take out a medical insurance policy. What kind of Medical Insurances are available in Japan? In Japan, there are two types of medical insurance in general. 1.Social health insurance (Shakai-hoken) The health insurance is for company employees in Japan. 2.National health insurance (Kokumin-kenko-hoken) The health insurance is for housewife, freelancer, students with more than 20 years old and so on. In case of foreigners, it’s foreign students and foreigners who came to Japan on a working holiday and so on. From now on, we would like to explain these two types of medical insurance briefly. What is Social Health Insurance for Companies Employees? Social insurance (shakai-hoken) consists of five components: health insurance, employees’ pension insurance, long-term care insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance, health insurance is included in this social insurance (shakai-hoken). In Japan, full-time, contract, and part-time employees who meet the following requirements are eligible for social insurance: employees who work 20 hours a week, earn at least 88,000 yen a month and have been working for at least one year. Whenever a company hires an employee who meets certain requirements, it is obligated to have he or she joins the social insurance system. How much is the Insurance Fee for Social Insurance (shakai-hoken) ? The amount of social insurance fee varies depending on the area you live in, your income, and which health association you belong to. Therefore, the fees paid by a person working in Tokyo and Osaka are different. And the payment of social insurance premiums is usually made by the company. The company deducts the monthly social insurance fee from the employee’s monthly salary, so the employee does not have to go through the payment process. In case of employees and family members working for small and medium-sized companies who joined “Association Health Insurance” (Kyokai-kenpo), the health insurance premium rate in Tokyo from April 2020 will be 9.87% of their monthly salary as a monthly health insurance fee. However, instead of paying the entire amount individually, the company and the individual will pay half of the insurance premiums. Therefore, half of the 9.87% of your monthly salary will be deducted from your salary as health insurance premiums. In addition to the health insurance premiums, there are other social insurance fees such as employee pension insurance, which are generally deducted from your monthly salary. ※The following links are for information about health insurance. What is a Health Insurance Society? Table of health insurance and employees’ pension insurance premiums since April 2020/ Association Health Insurance What is National Health Insurance (kokumin-kennko-hoken) ? It is a health insurance program run by local governments and is available to those who are listed on the Basic Resident Register and are not covered by the company’s health insurance. You are obliged to purchase this insurance if you are staying in Japan for more than three months for purposes other than tourism. For example, foreign students who are studying in Japan or foreigners who are coming to Japan on a working holiday are required to join the National Health Insurance. If you want to know more about National Health Insurance, please take a look at the links that explain National Health Insurance in English, Spanish, Chinese, and other languages. National Health Insurance in English, Spanish, Chinese and other languages. ((About National Health Insurance / Multilingual)) How much is the National Health Insurance Premiums? Insurance premiums vary greatly depending on the city, town, or village you live in, your income, and other factors. The following website provides a simulation of the national health insurance fees. However, please note that fees vary from city to city and town to town, so please use it as a guide only. National Health Insurance Premium Simulation (Japanese) Procedures and the Time Frame Required to Obtain Medical Insurance Procedures for Health Insurance (social insurance) for full-time, contract, and part-time employees Health insurance (social insurance) is medical insurance that foreigners who come to Japan to work. He or She can enroll in when they join a company. Therefore, the first condition for enrollment is that the foreigner must have a labor visa. The application for social insurance (health insurance) is not to be completed by the foreigner him/herself, but together with the company where he/she joins the company. The company and the employee will fill out the documents prepared by the company and submit them to the health insurance association with necessary documents such as the validated residence card, passport, and my-number card. How long it takes for health insurance (social security) to become available? Using the “Association Health Insurance” (Kyoukai-kenpo) as an example, you will receive your insurance card in about 7 to 10 days from the date the company submits the documents. However, it tends to arrive later during the busy season in April and other months when people enter and leave the company. Since this is only an example, the period of time may vary depending on the health insurance association you join. National Health Insurance Procedures If you want to apply for National Health Insurance, you must apply for it within 14 days from the date of entry into Japan, the date of your move to another city or prefecture in japan, or the date you lost your social insurance membership (e.g., the date you resigned). Even if you resign from your current employer, you do not need to apply for National Health Insurance as long as you start working at your new employer within 14 days of the date you resigned. In Japan, it is compulsory to enroll in health insurance, so if there is a delay in the application process, you will be billed for the delayed amount at a later date, so please be careful. If you visit a hospital or other medical facility while you are not covered by the insurance, you will be responsible for 100% of the cost of the visit. We would like to introduce what you need in order to enroll in the National Health Insurance. Foreign Students (Ryuugakusei) Passport Resident card (Zairyu-card) Student ID card Working Holidays Resident card Passport When you lose eligibility for social insurance (when you leave a company) Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate One of the following: certificate of disqualification (health insurance), release form, retirement certificate, or tax withholding certificate (with the date of retirement entered) How long it takes for National Health Insurance to become Available? Unlike health insurance (social insurance), you can apply for National Health Insurance at the city hall. The National Health Insurance card is issued on the same day as the application and can be used at hospitals and other facilities from the same day Conclusion In Japan, it is compulsory to purchase medical insurance so that all citizens can easily go to the hospital even for minor symptoms such as “slightly feverish” or “feeling sick”. Because of this, the amount of money that an individual actually pays at the hospital is about 30% of the total cost. In addition, there is a system called the high-cost medical care benefits system, which sets an upper limit for monthly medical expenses based on income, so if you have a surgery or hospitalization that results in high medical expenses, you can receive a refund for any medical expenses that exceed the upper limit of your copayment.



現在、世界で画像認識・解析を用いられた技術の進化が目覚ましいものとなっております。中国では5000人以上の逃走犯の逮捕や自動運転まで様々な分野で画像認き・解析技術が効果を発揮しています。 この記事では、画像認識・解析技術で話題となっている企業に興味を持っているエンジニア向けに、日本と海外の注目企業をご紹介していきたいと思います。 画像認識・解析はどのような技術? 画像認識技術について聞いたことない方はおそらくいらっしゃらないと思います。念のため、最初に画像認識・解析とは何かを説明したいと思います。 画像認識とは、画像のなかに一体何が写っているのか、コンピューターや機械などが識別する技術。画像から色や形といった特徴を読み取り、その特徴をさまざまな学習機に入れて新たな画像を認識できるようにしたパターン認識技術のひとつ。 参照 / AI特化型Webメディア 例を用いて説明しますと、AIが「ふわふわである、小さい、尻尾や耳、目、形」などの特徴を画像から解析し、画像のものが「猫」であることを認識できる技術のことです。 画像認識・解析の仕組み 画像認識・解析の基本的な仕組みは「認識・解析」と「検出」の2種類に分類することができます。 「認識・解析」は、画像にある様々な情報を特徴ごとに分類する段階です。例えば、1つの画像に人間の特徴があれば、それらを集めて人間何人いるかを見極める段階です。また、「検出」は、これまでに集まった情報(人間、自動車、など)を画像のどきにあるかを見極める段階です。 (画像:IMagazine / 画像認識・解析) 画像認識・解析の仕組みを簡単でより詳しく説明されていますのでご興味がある方は是非お読みになってください。(IMagazine / 画像認識・解析) 海外で注目を浴びている企業 これからは、世界で注目を浴びている画像認識・解析技術サービスを提供している4社をご紹介します。 中国 SenseTime(センスタイム) 世界トップクラスの評価額を誇るベンチャー企業といわれる同社は、画像認識技術を幅広い分野で応用することを目指しており、顔認証以外の分野でも自動運転や医療画像解析の事業も行っています。そのほか、政府系企業との連携を積極的も行なっており、出資者であるアリババも熱心なスマートシティ事業などにも手を広げつつあります。 SenseTime(センスタイム) FACE++ 顔認識に人工知能をはじめて搭載した企業であるといわれており、世界的に注目度が高いAIスタートアップのひとつです。北京の警察における導入実績に加え、複数の大手銀行やアリババ系の決済サービスのアリペイ(支付宝)、配車サービス大手の滴滴出行(Didi)などにもFace++の認証システムが導入されています。 FACE++ アメリカ GumGum(ガムガム) GumGumは、見られることが保証されているプレミアムエディトリアルコンテンツに沿ったブランドエンゲージメントの創出に特化した新しいタイプの広告プラットフォームです。イン・イメージ広告を生み出したことで知られています。 ディズニー、ロレアル、トヨタ、サムスンなど、AdAgeの米国広告費上位100社の半数以上と取引をしているほど注目を集めている企業です。 GumGum / Japan スイス Scandit Scanditは、企業や消費者が日常の物との関わり方を変え、スマートフォン、タブレット、ウェアラブル、ドローン、ロボットを使ってバーコードをスキャンし、文字や物を認識することで得られるリアルタイムデータを物理的な世界で拡張することを可能にしています。世界の革新的な企業の多くが、Scanditの次世代モバイルデータキャプチャプラットフォームのメリットをすでに享受しています。クライアントには、Ahold、Levi Strauss & Co. 、Coop、Macy’s、Louis Vuitton、DHL、Cardinal Health、NASA、Verizon Wirelessなどの世界的な有名企業が含まれます Scandit 日本企業の画像認識技術 日本でも画像認識・解析への注目が高まる中、既に海外への展開に成功している企業や、この技術を用いて身近なサービスを提供している企業をご紹介したいと思います。 製造業 YE DIGITAL YE DIGITALは、AI技術を利用し、製造現場での不良品などをリアルタイムで検品できるAI画像判定サービス「MMEye」を開発。日本の製造業だけではなく、海外でも話題となっている日本企業の1つであります。 YE DIGITAL / AI画像判定サービス DENSO(デンソー) DENSO(デンソー)は、先進技術、システム、コンポーネントを提供する世界有数の自動車部品サプライヤーです。 顧客には、トヨタ、ダイハツ、AUDI、BMW、ボルボ、ベンツ、などの世界の主要自動車メーカーが含まれています。世界的には、38の国と地域に200以上の子会社と関連会社を持っていうる大企業です。 デンソーは、画像認識・解析に力を入れており、「画像センシング」と「自動運転アルゴリズム」を強みに世界トップレベルの自動運転技術を持っていると言われています。 Denso / 自動運転 医療業界 Holoeyes Holoeyesは、VRやMRを活用したサービスを医療分野や医学教育に導入を行っている企業です。データを3D化させ、デジタルライブラリとして保存し、いつでも閲覧することを可能としている画像認識・解析技術を用いたサービスを提供しています。 Holoeyes / 医療VR アパレル業界 ユニクロとジーユー 「StyleHint(スタイルヒント)」は、ユニクロとジーユーが共同開発を行った画像認識・解析技術を活用した着こなし検索アプリです。 このアプリでは、スマートフォンのカメラロール、Instagramなどの写真・画像から、それに類似した服の着こなし画像やその画像に似たユニクロやジーユーの商品を検索できます。 StyleHint / ユニクロ・ジーユー 日本の画像認識技術のカオスマップ 最後に、AISmileyが発表した日本の画像認識技術のカオスマップをご案内します(2020年6月時点)。これまで取り上げたサービス以外にも様々な企業がサービスを提供しています。 参照:AISmiley / 日本の画像認識のカオスマップ(2020年) まとめ 近年、日本においても画像認識・解析技術を用いたサービスが多く生み出されており、このような技術を使って社会的にインパクトあるプロダクをを開発したいITエンジニアにとって、日本の画像認識・解析業界は大きく成長できる場であると言えるかもしれません。 日本の画像認識・解析技術をもつ会社で働きたいという外国人のITエンジニアの方は、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントG Talent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で日本のテクノロジー企業への転職をご支援いたします。



現在、新型コロナウィルス(COVID19)の影響によって、日本への渡航や日本から海外への渡航が厳しくなっております。この記事では、外国人向けに「日本から海外へ出国する場合」と「海外から日本へ入国する場合」に分けて、渡航情報に関する参考ウェブサイト情報や現在の状況などをまとめました。 日本に入国する時の渡航条件 新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大の影響によって、観光客や出国していた在留外国人の入国を3月中旬から制限せざるを得ない実態になりました。2020年7月24日時点では、上陸拒否の対象とされている国々に滞在したことある人は、特別な理由がない限り入国ができない状況になっております。 日本の上陸拒否対象の国々やより細かい情報は外務省のウェブサイト(下のリンク)で発表しております。日本への入国を考えている方は是非確認してみて下さい。  上陸拒否対象地域を給油や乗り継ぎ目的で経由(経由地での入国の有無は問わない)した後に本邦に到着する場合も、原則、上陸拒否の対象となります。また、査証制限措置(既に発給された査証の効力停止及び査証免除措置の停止)が取られていない国・地域の査証免除対象者または停止されていない有効な査証を持つ者が、上陸拒否対象国・地域以外から、拒否対象国・地域を経由して日本へ到着する場合にも、同様に原則上陸拒否となります。 参照:外務省 / 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する水際対策の強化に係る措置について 日々情報は更新されていくため、その都度外務省のウェブサイトを確認するようにしましょう。 在留外国人と留学生の再入国を許可 日本への入国制限は120ヶ国以上に達し、新型コロナウィルスが世界中で起こしたパンデミックの改善が見込まれないことから、この入国制限期間は想定されていたものよりはるかに長い期間となっています。母国にいる家族の介護など母国への緊急的な一時帰国や日本に留学していて休みの期間を使って日本を離れた場合などでも、日本へ入国することが保証されていませんでした。 しかし、この事情を考慮した政府は、2020年7月29日に在留資格を持っている方の再入国を検討すると発表しました。 外務省は29日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐための水際対策をめぐり、日本の在留資格を持つ駐在員や留学生らの再入国を、8月5日から条件付きで認めると発表した。これまで、入国拒否の対象国・地域に出国した在留外国人は原則、再入国できなかった。 参照:在留外国人の再入国 / 時事ドットコムニュース 上記のニュース記事に記載されているように、2020年8月5日から、政府は留学生、永住者、定住者、就労ビザ、などの在留資格を所持している外国人の再入国を正式に認めることを発表しました。 ※観光を目的とした外国人への入国はまだ認められていません。また、在留資格も幅広い種類があるため、しっかりと内容を確認するようにお願いします。 再び日本に入国するのに何が必要?その手順は? 上記で述べた通り、日本の政府は日本人のみだけではなく、8月5日に在留資格を持つ外国人の再入国の許可を発表しました。上陸拒否対象の国から来られる方が、以前よりもはるかに増えるため、国内でに感染者がさらに増えないために検疫対策を強化しはじめました。 これからは、再入国をするにあたっての必要な書類について説明をさせていただきたいと思います。 再入国のために必要な書類 COVID-19に関する検査証明書 所定の証明書フォーマットに、現地の医療機関が記入し、医師の署名又は押印が必要になります。 (外務省 / 再入国の際に必要な手続・書類等) 再入国関連必要書類提出確認書 外務省のウェブサイトで再入国に必要な書類がダウンロード可能です。 (外務省 / 再入国関連書類書類提出確認証交付申請書) 旅券(パスポート) 有効な再入国許可(みなし再入国許可を含む)が貼付されている必要があります。 在留カード 有効期限が過ぎていないものである必要がある。 再入国前と後の手順 現在滞在している国や地域を出発する72時間以内にPCR検査を受診し、検査結果が「陰性」であることを証明しなければなりません。 在外公館から「再入国関連書類提出確認書」をもらう必要があります。 日本に到着したら、出発の国や地域とは関係なく、PCR検査を再び受診しなければなりません。 2週間自主隔離をしなければなりません。隔離の場所は検査所長が指定します、病院での入院や自宅で待機をしていただく場合もございます。 コロナの時期に海外へ行けるの? 親、親戚、子供、などの面倒を見るために日本を出なければならない外国人の会社員や留学生は少なくないと思いますが、日本のように、感染者数が多い国(入国拒否対象国)に滞在した人たちの入国を禁止または制限している国はたくさんあります。 これからは、日本の出国を予定していた、または出国を考慮している外国人や留学生向けに、日本から海外への渡航に関する情報をご案内します。 日本から海外へ出国する時の渡航情報 渡航制限を徐々に緩和し、日本からの渡航者を受け入れている国も増えてきています。 国によって到着後の対策や必要な書類などが異なるため、今回は各国の渡航状況が確認できるサイトを紹介したいと思います。 外務省のウェブサイト 日本で最も信頼度の高い情報源であると言えるでしょう。 外務省のウェブサイトには日本からの渡航者の入国制限について、各国ごとに細かくまとめられています。(入国後の行動制限措置など) 外務省 海外安全ホームページ   47 users 143 pockets 外務省 海外安全ホームページ 海外に渡航・滞在される方々が自分自身で安全を確保していただくための参考情報を公開しております。 オンライン旅行会社であるTrip.comが各国の渡航状況につてい随時更新しているウェブサイトです。日本からの渡航者について各国の情報が詳しく説明されているウェブサイトです。   1 user 提携ホテルは120万軒以上、200ヶ国以上を網羅。3000万件を超えるユーザーレビューで、お客様にぴったりの宿選びも簡単。航空券は5,000以上の目的地からお選びいただけます。24時間・年中無休の日本語カスタマーサポートで、お客様の旅をいつでもお手伝いいたします。 ※上記2つのサイトに載ってない国に関しては、入国が認められているのではなく、情報がないだけというものもありますので、詳しくは大使館や領事館にお問い合わせください。 まとめ 現在(2020年8月6日時点)、ほとんどの国で感染の第二波が訪れています。そのため、渡航に関する情報は常に更新されていきます。今回ご案内した情報やウェブサイトを参考に、最終的には必ず母国の大使館などに確認するようにしましょう。



留学、ワーキングホリデー、就職など長期間日本に滞在するのは楽しみと同時に病気やケガなども不安になるのではないでしょうか。 今回の記事では、これから長期で日本に滞在する予定の外国人向けに、日本の医療保険の加入条件や医療保険の種類、料金や手続きなどついてご説明をしたいと思います。 国の医療保険の加入は絶対必要? 国の医療保険に加入している場合、病院へ支払う医療費の自己負担額は6歳から70歳までの人は基本的に3割となっております。つまり、実質1万円の医療費を3千円で済ますことが可能になります。このようなメリットがあるのは日本の医療保険です。 海外では一般的に医療保険の加入は個人の判断によりますが、日本では国民全員(国籍問わず)がなんらかの医療保険に加入をしなければなりません。つまり、観光目的などの短期滞在以外において、長期的に日本に滞在する外国人は必ず医療保険に加入する必要があります。 日本にはどんな医療保険があるの? 日本には一般的に2種類の医療保険があります。日本で働く会社員が基本的に加入する健康保険(社会保険)と留学生やワーキングホリデーで来日される外国人が加入する国民健康保険の2つです。 これからは、この2種類の医療保険について簡単に説明をしていきたいと思います。 働く人が入る健康保険(社会保険)とは? 社会保険とは、健康保険・厚生年金保険・介護保険・労災保険・雇用保険の5つで構成されており、この社会保険の中に健康保険が含まれています。 日本で正社員、契約社員、または、パート社員で「所定労働時間が週20時間」「月額賃金8.8万円以上」「勤務期間1年以上」の一定条件を満たす従業員は社会保険の加入対象となります。企業が一定の条件を満たす従業員を雇う場合は、必ず社会保険に加入させる義務があります。 社会保険の保険料はいくらのなか? 社会保険料は、加入者が住んでいる地域や収入、どこの健康組合に所属しているかによって金額が変わってきます。そのため、東京で働いている人と大阪で働いている人では支払う保険料が異なってきます。 そして、社会保険料の支払いは、通常の場合は会社が毎月の社会保険料を差し引いて従業員へ給料を支払うため、従業員側が支払いの手続きをすることはなく、会社側が支払いの手続きを行うことになります。 中小企業に務める従業員や家族が加入する「協会けんぽ」の場合、2020年4月からの東京都の健康保険料率は、毎月の給料に対して9.87%の金額を健康保険料として毎月支払うことになります。 ただし、全額を個人で負担するのではなく、会社と個人で半分ずつ支払うことになります。そのため、毎月の給料に対する9.87%の半額が健康保険料として給与から差し引かれることになります。 また、社会保険においては、この健康保険料以外にも、厚生年金保険料などもあり、それらは一般的に毎月の給料から差し引かれることになります。 ※以下のリンクは健康保険に関する情報です。 健康組合とは何か? 令和2年4月以降の健康保険・厚生年金保険料額表/協会けんぽ 国民健康保険とは? 地方自治体が運営している健康保険で、住民基本台帳に記載があり、会社の健康保険に入っていない人が加入する医療保険です。観光目的以外で日本の滞在期間が3ヶ月以上である場合は加入する義務があります。例えば、勉学のために日本に留学している外国人の学生やワーキングホリデーで来日している外国人は国民健康保険に加入しなければなりません。 英語、スペイン語、中国語など多言語で国民健康保険についての説明が記載されているリンクもありますので、国民健康保険についてもっと知りたい方は、是非ご参考にしてみてください。(国民健康保険について/多言語) 国民健康保険の保険料はいくらのなか? 住んでいる市町村、所得などによって保険料は大きく異なります。以下のサイトでは国民健康保険料の目安がシミュレーションができます。ただし、市区町村によって保険料は異なりますので、あくまで目安として使ってみてください。 国民健康保険料シミュレーション 医療保険に加入するための手続きや必要期間 働く人が加入する健康保険(社会保険)の手続き 健康保険(社会保険)は、日本で働くことを目的として来日した外国人が企業へ入社するときに加入できる医療保険です。そのため、加入する条件としては第一に就労可能なビザを持っていることが必要です。 社会保険(健康保険)は外国人自身が手続きを行うのではなく、入社した企業と共に手続きを行うことになります。企業側準備した書類に対して個人情報の記入を行い、有効期限の在留カード、パスポート、マイナンバーカードなどの必要書類を付けて企業側から加入予定の健康保険組合に提出することになります。 健康保険(社会保険)が使えるようになるまでの期間 「協会けんぽ」を例に挙げますと、企業側が書類を提出した日から、大体7〜10日程度で保険証が届くようです。ただし4月など入退社の多い繁忙期は届くのが遅くなる傾向にあります。あくまで例になるので、加入する健康保険組合によって期間は異なります。 国民健康保険の手続き 国民健康保険に加入するときは、入国日、引っ越しをした日、または、社会保険の健康保険の加入者である資格を失った日(退職した日など)から14日以内に手続きを行う必要があります。もし会社を退職した場合でも、次の転職先に入社するのが14日以内であれば、入社した会社で健康保険(社会保険)の手続きをすれば国民健康保険への手続きは必要ありません。 日本では健康保険に加入することが義務となっているため、手続きの遅れが発生した場合は、遅れた分を後日請求されますので注意しましょう。万が一、保険に加入してない期間、病院などへ行った場合の診察料などは100%自己負担になります。 以下に国民健康保険に加入するために必要なものを紹介したいと思います。 留学の場合 パスポート 在留カード 学生証 ワーキングホリデーの場合 在留カード パスポート 健康保険(社会保険)への加入資格を失ったとき(退職した時) 在留カード又は特別永住者証明書 社会保険(健康保険)資格喪失証明書、離職票、退職証明書、源泉徴収票(退職日の記入のあるもの)などのうちいずれかひとつ 国民健康保険が使えるようになるまでの期間 健康保険(社会保険)とは異なり、国民健康保険は市役所などで加入者自身が手続きを行います。手続きをしたその当日に保険証が発行され、その日から病院などで利用できます。 まとめ 日本では「少し熱っぽい」、「気分が悪い」、などの軽い症状でも全国民が気軽に病院に行ってもらうために医療保険への加入を義務付けしています。その分、個人が実際に病院で支払いをする金額は3割程度になります。 また、高額療養費制度という制度もあり、収入に応じて毎月の医療費の自己負担額に上限が定められており、対象となる手術や入院をして医療費が高額になった場合においても、自己負担の上限を超えた医療費は払い戻しを受けることができます。 今回は以上になります。


Unique Japanese Business Etiquette for Foreigners!

Japan is known throughout the world as a country with a unique culture and style such as sitting on the floor (Seiza) or eating holding tableware and bringing it closer to their mouth. This unique style is not only reflected in their personal lives, but also the Japanese business world. In this article, we would like to introduce some of the Unique Japanese Business Etiquette that cannot be learned in language schools and other schools for foreigners who are planning to work in Japan or are currently working in Japanese companies. Unique Japanese Business Manners Exchange of Business Cards In the U.S. and other countries, business cards are just contact information cards, but in Japan, it is used as a substitute for greetings. There are some things you should pay attention to when you exchange business cards because there is an old belief in Japan that a business card is the same as a person’s face. When to Exchange Business Cards? In Japan, when you meet someone for the first time, you must exchange business cards when you start working with them. This will be the first impression you get when doing business in Japan, so why not practice the following steps to help you get started? Procedure for exchanging business cards We’d like to give you a brief introduction to the process of exchanging business cards in Japan. Take a business cards from the business card case. The first person you need to exchange business cards with in any situation is the boss or superior you are visiting. Before exchanging business cards, you should take out enough cards for each person you are giving them to and place them underneath the card case. You should place your hand on your chest when exchanging cards. The inferior one in the business (Meshita) had to start the exchanging of the business card. When you exchange business cards in Japan, the basic rule is that the inferior person who is visiting should give their card first. The word “inferior” here does not refer to the skills, age or the position of the person, but to the person who offers a business idea. For example, if a salesperson is proposing a product to a company that has been approved for a visit, the salesperson must show his or her business card first. Be careful not to get this procedure wrong, as it is rude to the other party. Give the name of the Company and your Name. When exchanging business cards, instead of offering your business card silently, make eye contact with the person you are giving it to and say, “My name is XX and I work for XX company. Some foreign names are difficult for Japanese people to understand, so try to say your name slowly and clearly using the katakana pronunciation. Receive the business card with both hands. When accepting a business card, say “Thank you” (Choudai-Itashimasu) and accept it with both hands. When you receive the card, be careful not to block the part of the card where the other person’s name and company name are written with your fingers. If you do not know how to read the person’s name, ask the person when you receive the card. During business negotiations, put the business card you received on the left front. Place the other party’s superior’s business card on your card case and arrange them in order of seating position close to your left hand (if you are right-handed). Place the card case in the opposite direction of your dominant hand to prevent it from being dropped accidentally when you are taking notes (if your left-handed, place it close to your right hand). A society where your seat depends on the company hierarchy In the Japanese business world, you must pay attention to your superiors when you are in a business meeting or a meal. Not just wording, you also need to pay attention to where you sit. Although the above business card exchange manner is well known abroad, the seating arrangement we are about to explain is not so well known in other countries, but it is a business etiquette that has existed in the Japanese business scene for a long time. The order of seating is ① > ② > ③, in order of high hierarchy. As shown in ① above, the seat farthest from the entrance is called “kamiza”. The seat closest to the entrance is called the “shimoza”; in the above diagram, “shimoza” is ③. The Origin of Kamiza & Shimoza In the Japanese business world, it is common practice to recommend the “kamiza” to customers and superiors. The origin of these words was in ancient times (Muromachi Period 1336-1573) when Samurais still existed. To reduce the risk of the assassination of a nobleman or person of high status, they were to sit away from the entrance. Also, because of the large number of people coming and going out from big rooms, they started asking people of the higher status to sit farthest away from the entrance so that people of higher status would be more comfortable. Even now, this crisis management mindset is still present, not only in meetings but also in taxis and elevators, where we ask our bosses and superiors to sit in a position where they can be safe or stand in a position where they can avoid injuries in a case of breakdown. On-time = 5 minutes ago In Japan, arriving on time is almost the same as being late for an appointment. Punctuality is taught from elementary school and is part of the Japanese culture. Therefore, it is important to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the start of a business meeting. Before you leave for your destination, find out how to get there, and if you need to take a train, find out the departure time and transfer point in advance. “First names” or “Last names”? In foreign countries, people often introduce themselves by saying “I am XX” or “My name is XX”, starting with their first name. However, in Japan, when you are in a close relationship with someone, you often call them by their first name, so in Japanese business situations, you should basically call them by their last name with a “san” at the end, not their first name. If the person you are talking to is a customer, you should call them by their last name adding a “sama” at the end. Conclusion These days, this type of business etiquette is becoming less common in Japan, but it can still be found in various business situations in Japan. However, if foreign employees can use Japanese business etiquette, they can show their colleagues and superiors that they have a positive attitude towards working at a Japanese company and can make a big difference to other employees who are not as well versed in this area. There is no loss in learning the above-mentioned business etiquette, so why not learn it for your career growth?



この1~2年、様々な企業の人事部でAIの導入を検討されていることを見聞きします。今回の記事では、AI時代に何が人事部に必要なのか、実際の人事領域のAIツールのご紹介もしながら、理解を深めていただきたいと思います。 多くの人事部が抱える課題 人事部は、給与計算、採用などの人材の確保、社員の教育や研修、またはその評価の管理など数多くの業務を行わなければ部署の1つであります。採用活動だけをみても、応募者の母集団などのマーケティング業務、継続的な採用ブランディング、面接の調整、オンボーディングなど、営業的な要素から事務的な要素まで多岐に渡る業務をカバーしなければなりません。そのような背景もあり、業務の効率性が低い人事部では過度な残業が状態化しているケースが多々みられます。 その一方で、AIなどのテクノロジーを活用したツールを積極的に導入し、業務効率をあげ、高いパフォーマンスを発揮している人事部もあります。本来、人事部は企業がビジネスを成立させる上で一番重要な人的リソースを増やし、生かすことがミッションであり、今後の人事部においては、革新性と効率化を意識した上で、本来のミッションを果たせる人事部が一層重要になってくるでしょう。 AIは人事業務のどこに活用できるのか 採用活動におけるAI活用ツール 書類選考 マイナビと三井総合研究所が共同に開発したプライオのようなツールは、書類選考の際に優秀な求職者のエントリーシートや履歴書をAIで認識することがで、自動で書類選考の可否の判断が可能になります。実際には、AIが最初の書類選考を行い、そこで最低限のスクリーニングを行い、それらを人事が判断するという形で使われているケースが多いようです。 面接 株式会社タレントアンドアセスメントが提供する対話型AI面接サービス「SHaiN」のは、受検者がスマートフォンを利用し、非対面・非接触で24時間365日どの場所でもAIと対話しながら面接できるサービスです。そして、企業側は評価レポートの結果などを参考に、対面の面接時には候補者ごとに適した質問をしたり、候補者の特徴に合わせた動機づけをしたりすることで、内定辞退防止、入社後の人材配置や育成などに生かすこともできるそうです。 SHaiNは、「遠隔地受検者への受検機会の提供」、「戦略採用メソッドに基づいた評価基準の統一」、「採用担当者や面接官の面接工数の削減」といった部分が評価されており、2020年7月20日の時点で、200社以上の企業が利用しているそうです。 参考: AI面接サービスSHaiN 導入企業 200社を突破/PR Times 社員評価におけるAI活用ツール 株式会社ヒトラボジェイピーが提供するAIを活用した人材評価ツール「マシンアセスメント」は、アセスメントにかける時間と費用が大幅に削減され、どの社員に投資すべきか? どの社員を昇進させるか?など、企業におけるタレント人材の発掘、育成、選抜のスピードが格段に上がり、均質な基準での評価判断ができるようです。 ヒトラボジェイピー社は、これまで約1万人の人材の評価、発掘、育成のアセスメントを行ってきており、そのアセスメントノウハウをAIに学習させ、成果を記した文章から該当者が持つビジネスコンピテンシーを自然言語処理技術を用い30余種類に分析、可視化を可能にしたそうです。 事前にAIにハイパフォーマーの行動特性を学ばせているため、現場のしがらみのない状況で、市場競争力という観点から“均質な基準”で評価し、ポテンシャル人材、タレント人材の発掘を行うことができるようです。 参考: 人材評価もAIが代替する時代に。評価ツール「マシンアセスメント」は進化するHR Techに新たな地位を築けるか AI時代の人事はどうであるべきか 上記で紹介したAIが活躍している分野で共通しているものは、人事に今まで多くの時間が必要となっていた業務をAIが自動的に行うことによって、その作業に使っていた時間を他の業務に使えるようにしていることです。 つまり、AIが仕事を全て行うものはなく、あくまで人事が自分の仕事を効率よく行うために使われています。では、AI技術の発達がはやいこの時代に人事部に要求されるスキルはどういったものなのでしょうか。 判断力のあるチャレンジャー なぜ人事はチャレンジャーである必要があるのか? それは、様々なAIツールがある中で、自社にメリットが高いものを判断し、その技術に恐れず、業務効率の向上や優秀な人材の確保に積極的に使用することが重要です。ただ単に多くのツールを試せばいいことではなく、人事がAIツールに具体的な役割・目的・目標を決めることがAIx人事の一番重要な部分です。 まとめ 人事とAIを合わせることによって、業務効率の向上や優秀な人材の確保は容易になりますが、その代わり人事部に技術を使いこなせる力だけではなく、人間らしいスキルが以前よりもさらに求められている時代になるのではないでしょうか。 自社の更なる成長のために、現在の人事業務の課題を洗い出し、整理を行なった上で、AIツールの導入を試してみてはいかがでしょうか。


Fintech and the Representative Services & Companies in Japan

At present, the field of financial IT technology called Fintech is drawing attention around the world. In Japan as well, the government is supporting the use of IT in the financial field, and also the term Fintech is used every day in major financial industries and startups. In this article, for foreigners who are interested in Japan’s Fintech field, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the current status of Fintech in Japan and the featured companies in the field. What is Fintech? First of all, we would like to explain what Fintech is. Financial technology (abbreviated fintech or FinTech) is the technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. It is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance.[2] The use of smartphones for mobile banking, investing, borrowing services[3], and cryptocurrency are examples of technologies aiming to make financial services more accessible to the general public. Financial technology companies consist of both startups and established financial institutions and technology companies trying to replace or enhance the usage of financial services provided by existing financial companies. Reference: The Free Encyclopedia “Wikipedia” In more simple words, it is about transforming existing financial services and creating new services using advanced IT technologies such as AI, big data, IoT, and blockchain. Some familiar examples are, remittance and payment using smartphones, virtual currency using blockchain technology, etc. Why Fintech gets attention from IT Engineers in Japan? Currently, the Fintech area is receiving a lot of attention from IT engineers in Japan, and the number of IT engineers who are changing jobs to the Fintech field is increasing. The reasons for this are “magnitude of social impact” and “acquisition and application of advanced IT technology”. The Magnitude of Social Impact “Money” is indispensable to establish the economy and people’s lives, by transforming financial services, there is a potential to significantly change the economy and people’s lives. Therefore, many entrepreneurs and IT engineers who want to make a big impact on society are challenging in the Fintech field, and the government is supporting it. As we will explain later, the business in the Fintech area is outstanding, also in financing Japanese startups. Major banks and insurance companies have also started CVC (Corporate Venture Capital) and various fintech-related businesses. The number of these cases are increasing by investing in startups, making capital and business alliances. Acquisition and Application of Advanced IT Technology In the Fintech field, there are opportunities to use advanced IT technologies, and we can say that it is an attractive career development environment for IT engineers who want to hone their technical skills. Related technologies that are important in FinTech include big data, AI, blockchain, and IoT. If you are interested in those technologies, please refer to the following article for related technologies in Fintech and their recruitment demand. Fintech Key Advanced Technologies and Job Demand in Japan 11 Fields of Fintech and their Representative Services Currently, the “Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry” and Japanese consulting firms are frequently researching the trends of Fintech around the world and Japan. As the segment used at that time, fintech is divided into 11 fields. Smart Payment Investment/Asset management/Robot-advisor Virtual currency Household Management and Advice (PMF: Personal Financial Management) Social Lending Crowdfunding Insurance Loans/Loans Accounting/Finance Remittance & Split Bills Financial Information From now, we would like to explain each field and its representative services. Smart Payment Smart payments are electronic payment methods that does not require cash or financial institution procedures. Using smart payment eliminates the need for cash management, procedures time at financial institutions, and also reduce the fee. Smart payments can broaden the range of payment methods for consumers. There are roughly two types of smart payments currently used in Japan, card payments and QR code payments are often used. Credit card payments and debit card payments are the most common examples of payment using a card. Payment is performed by entering card information online or displaying a card at a store. Recently, not only credit cards but also prepaid cards have been attracting attention. For example, LINE pay cards. Prepaid cards can be issued without a screening, they can be used for payment only as much as you charged them at a convenience store. It is a card that can be used by young people who couldn’t have a credit card until now. Regarding QR code payment, many major IT companies such as PayPay, Merpay, Rakuten Pay have entered the market, the settlement is completed by reading the QR code via a smartphone. QR code payments have already become mainstream in China and other countries. PayPay used China’s Alipay technology and features as a reference. Representative Services of Smart Payment PayPay (In Japanese), Merpay (In Japanse), Paidy (In Japanese), etc. Investment/Asset Management/Robot-advisor This is a service that selects and manages financial merchandise using analysis by AI in asset management such as stocks. Since AI learns data daily, it is said that asset management and investment by AI will be more accurate than human prediction in the future. A Robot-advisor means that an AI robot manages personal assets. In Japan, there are two types of Robot-advisors: the discretionary investment type, that manages and sells based on investment algorithms and, advice type that diagnoses and advises asset management. Representative Services for Investment/Asset Management and Robo-advisor WealthNavi (In Japanese), THEO (In Japanese), etc. Virtual Currency By utilizing blockchain technology, virtual currency is a currency that can store transaction records such as deposits and withdrawals even if there is no centralized management agency such as banks. Unlike fiat currencies such as yen and dollars, it is a new currency that doesn’t have the form of bills or coins. Previously, it was reported in the news that the number of people holding a virtual currency for investment purposes increased, and the value of virtual currency rose and fell sharply. Also, there was a case in which the virtual currency leaked due to hacking because the security management of the virtual currency vendor was weak. Thereby, the public image of virtual currencies has become temporarily deteriorated, but as of July 2020, the virtual currency market has been stable, and it is expected that the market will expand steadily in the future. Representative Services of Virtual Currency (Virtual Currency Business Operator) bitFlyer, Coincheck, etc. Household Management and Advice (PMF: Personal Financial Management) One of the most familiar fields of Fintech is PMF. The main function of this is to manage daily spendings and incomes. In a nutshell, it plays the role of a household account book application. Unlike the household account book softwares and apps that have been used up to now, it is possible to manage accounts of various financial institutions with one service. Furthermore, bank account information, but you can also get information about payments by credit card and other payment methods. Representative Services of PMF Money Forward It is one of the Japanese companies that provide PMF services. This app allows you to check the electronic money used at convenience stores, credit cards used for shopping, bank accounts with salaries transferred. Japan’s top household account book application with more than 8 million people. Dr. Wallet (In Japanese) It is the second most popular household account book application after money forward with more than 1 million users. Social Lending Social lending, also known as “lending-type crowdfunding,” is a service that connects borrowers (mainly companies) and investors who want to invest money through financial products. Companies that provide social lending services perform, borrower screening, investor recruitment, loans, repayments, and also performs distribution management. The difference with mutual funds is that investors find the lenders, and the price is not affected by the market price. Representative services for social lending SBI Social Lending, CROWD CREDIT, etc. Crowdfunding Crowdfunding is a service that allows you to raise a small amount of money from an unspecified number of people via Internet. In the case of financing, generally, there are loans from banks and investment by venture capital. But unlike traditional funding, crowdfunding is getting attention as a new funding mechanism for been “Easy”, “High diffusivity” and “Implementing test marketing”. Anyone who has an idea or wants to solve a social problem or launch a new product can become a “drafter”, and anyone who wants to support it or want to help try to a new product is a “supporter”. in this way, in crowdfunding, It is to raise money by recruiting people on the Internet to fund the project that the creator wants to do. Representative Services for Crowdfunding Camp-Fire, Makuake, Ready For, etc. Insurance Until now, it was supposed to take out insurance through an insurance salesman or an agent, but in recent years, online insurance services have grown now till you can take out insurance with just one smartphone. With LINE insurance you can take out insurance in as little as 60 seconds using a smartphone. There is also a system that uses IT for car insurance, to acquire and analyze driver data such as mileage and driving characteristics, determining insurance premiums based on that data. Representative Services for Insurance LINE Hoken, Sony Assurance / Good Drive (In Japanese), etc. Financing/Loans Fintech is being utilized for the financing of banks and loan companies. This technology has been used in mortgage comparison, mortgage refinancing services, the examination of borrowers using big data, the limit of lending, determination of loan interest rate, etc. Representative Services Financing and Loan J.Score (In Japanese), WhatzMoney (In Japanese), etc. Accounting/Finance Various cloud services are being offered in the fields of corporate accounting and financial management. In the past accounting process, there were many human errors and wasted time, but with the advent of cloud services, the accounting process time is shortened, human errors are reduced. Now, it is possible to visualize the accounting status of the company. Accounting/Finance Representative Services freee, Yayoi-kaikei, etc. Remittance & Split Bills Services that allow people to share payments, receive money, and pay for drinking parties (Nomikai) through smartphone apps are becoming popular. When carrying out split bills, it was very troublesome to calculate by 1 yen and collect cash, but due to this technology, it turns possible to easily split bills without cash. Representative Services for Remittance and Split Bills Kyash (In Japanese), YoroPay (In Japanese), etc. Financial Information Financial and economic data needs to be collected efficiently when an investor manages an asset or when a corporate business planning department makes a strategy. In response to such needs, using IT technology to analyze huge amounts of financial and economic data, a service that can obtain high-quality information in a short time has been created. Representative services for financial information ZUU, SPEEDA, etc. Fintech Chaos Map of Japan Lastly, we would like to introduce the Japanese Fintech service landscape map announced by MA STAND. In addition to the services mentioned above, various companies provide services. Reference:【Fintech Industry Landscape Map 2019】Top 50 FinTech Companies in Japan / MA STAND Conclusion Many fintech services have been created in Japan, and considering the magnitude of social impact and the acquisition of advanced technology for IT engineers, the fintech field is a very rewarding environment for them. If you are a foreign IT engineer who wants to work in the Japanese fintech industry, please register with GTalnet, a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers. A professional consultant will help you to find a job in the field of fintech for free.


Fintech Key Advanced Technologies and Job Demand in Japan

Fintech is attracting attention not only around the world but also in Japan. In this article, G Talent, a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, summarized four advanced IT technologies in Fintech and each job demand in Japan. Fintech Four Key Advanced Technologies in Fintech In this article, we would like to focus on the following four important advanced IT technologies in Fintech. AI/Big Data Blockchain IoT Biometrics Now, we are going to explain each technology one by one, taking into account the current demand for recruitment. AI / Big Data There are many cases in which big data technology is applied to credit examinations of credit cards and loans, using a large amount of data such as stock price information, economic indexes, and personal financial information. The cost of data analysis is drastically reduced due to cloud servers and distributed processing systems that can process big data, and large amounts of data are collected and processed by using text mining technology and natural language processing technology for data collection and conversion. AI performance has dramatically improved due to deep learning technology developed around 2010. AI technology has begun to be used in various areas of the financial industry, such as automation of counter operations, automatically analyze financial indicators, and buy and sell stocks using big data. Along with that, it is said that the work that people were doing in banks will be replaced by AI and that there is going to be a huge lay off in each bank in the future. Also, it is said that banks that cannot be transformed into IT companies will be eliminated. Job Demand for AI / Big Data In fact, the recruitment of data engineers and data scientists are increasing at major insurance companies and credit card companies, and by effectively utilizing big data, each company is working to improve operational efficiency and create new services. Also, each bank is focusing on hiring IT engineers, every financial company is looking to become a fintech company. However, there is a shortage of human resources related to big data and AI in Japan. When working in Japan, the language of Japanese is often required, but some Japanese insurance companies do not require it, so there are many fields where foreign IT engineers can play an active role. Blockchain It would be no exaggeration to say that the first word that comes to mind as fintech technology is “blockchain.” In more technical terms, it is also called “distributed ledger technology”. It is not a centralized type of management, but a network system made to distribute data to computers all over the world and reduce the risk of destruction and tampering. Normally, if you deposit money in a bank, transaction records are maintained by the bank’s central server. But with blockchain technology, the transaction information can be distributed and stored on the network without the needing for central management such as financial institutions. In addition, the encryption technology allows users to refer to only the items that are permitted, and the risk of leakage of personal information is extremely low. All records are stored on a computer network, allowing anyone to scrutinize and audit and prevent counterfeiting or double payments by exposing them to the eyes of the general public. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are typical examples of blockchain technology. Speaking of blockchain, there are many people who think of virtual currency, but the reason why blockchain is getting so much attention is that it can be applied to a wide range of areas apart from the virtual currency, and it is expected to revolutionize the business so far. For example, it is expected that the blockchain will be utilized in the basic operations necessary for business, such as ordinary commercial transactions, electronic voting, and the conclusion of contracts. Job Demand for Blockchain Technology Job offers to require blockchain technology continue increasing in Japan. Not only in cryptocurrency companies but also in financial industries such as banks and startups that provide blockchain solutions are in very high demand. In addition, Japan has few engineers with blockchain technology knowledge, and this is an area where many foreign engineers are active. IoT Currently, there are few cases where IoT has been introduced in the financial field. However, recently, with the introduction of IoT technology in automobiles, there is a possibility that data on automobile driving methods and automobile insurance may be linked, but the state of car insurance when automatic driving progressed is calling for a debate. Therefore, IoT technology in the financial field is gradually gaining attention. In addition, the use of IoT technology in the medical field may have a major impact on medical insurance. Recently, with the spread of wearable devices, IoT technology has been applied to the payment support of Apple Watch, etc., and there is a possibility that IoT technology in the financial field will grow in the future. Job Demand for IoT Technology It is said that the market size of IoT technology will exceed 36 trillion yen in 2020 (Gartner’s estimate), and also, it’s said that the demand for IoT technology is a field with extremely high growth potential. The demand for IoT engineers is still low in existing financial companies and fintech companies, but in the manufacturing industry that produces IoT-equipped devices (cars, wearable devices, etc.) linked to financial companies the demand for IoT engineers is in a higher situation. Biometrics When using online services such as banks and securities, personal authentication is always the first key. In July 2012, the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance was established by 6 companies such as Pay Pal and Lenovo aiming to standardize global authentication centered on online authentication including biometrics, and its scale still increasing at present. Board members, which are major companies, include global financial giants such as Visa, MasterCard, and Bank of America, as well as global companies such as Microsoft, Google, and NTT DoCoMo. Fingerprints and vein authentication have also started to be used at some ATMs at Japanese banks. Recently, not only image data but also authentication by physical movement such as keyboard typing method has been developed, demonstrating that it can be said the application of new technology is a remarkable field. Job Demand for Biometrics Technology Regarding biometric authentication technology, the application is still limited to personal authentication, so demand can be said to be still far ahead of AI, big data, and blockchain technology. Conclusion In addition to the four technologies introduced this time, various new advanced IT technologies will be used in the fintech field. Also, not only advanced IT technology, modern frameworks have become necessary to improve usability for consumers. G Talent, a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, will keep an eye on FinTech trends and keep updating our readers about relevant technology.



日本には「正座」や「食器をもって食べる習慣」などの独自の文化やスタイルを持つ国として世界中に知られています。この独特なスタイルは私生活だけではなく日本のビジネス界にも反映されています。 今回の記事では、日本の企業で働く予定の外国人や現在日本の企業に勤めている外国人の方々向けに、語学学校などで学べない日本独自のビジネスマナーについてご紹介したいと思っています。 日本独特のビジネスマナー 名刺交換 アメリカなどでは、名刺はあくまでの連絡情報カードにすぎないのですが、日本での役割は挨拶代わりになるものです。昔から「名刺=相手の顔と同じ」という考えがあるため、名刺を交換するときに注意をしなければならい点がいくつかあります。 どんな場面で名刺を交換すればいいのか 日本では、初対面の人とお仕事をする際には最初に名刺交換をしなければなりません。これが日本でビジネスをやる上での第一印象になりますので、以下の手順を参考に一度練習をしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 名刺交換の手順 日本の名刺交換の手順を簡単にご紹介したいと思います。 名刺入れから名刺を取り出します どのような場面でも先に交換をしなければならない相手は、訪問先の上司です。名刺を交換する前に渡す相手の人数分の名刺を取り出し、名刺入れの下に重ねて置きます。 その時の手の位置は胸元あたりにします。 名刺は目下の者から差し出します 日本で名刺交換をする際、訪問している側の目下の人から名刺を差し出すのが基本です。ここで言う「目下」という意味は年齢や役職ではなく、「仕事をもらう側」のことを指しています。 例えば、営業マンが訪問を認められた企業に商品を提案する場合には、営業マンが先に名刺を指し出さなければなりません。この手順を間違ってしまうと相手に失礼になりますので注意しましょう。 社名と名前を名乗ります 名刺を交換するとき、無言で相手に差し出すのではなく、相手と目線を合わせながら「○○社の○○と申します」と自分が勤めている企業の社名と自分の名前を名乗り、軽いお辞儀をしながら名刺を渡すようにしましょう。 外国人の名前は、日本人にどうしても聞き取りにくいものがありますので、ゆっくりとわかりやすく自分の名前をカタカナ読みで伝えるようにしましょう。 両手で名刺を受け取ります 名刺を受け取るときは、「頂戴いたします」と一言述べてから、両手で受け取りましょう。受け取った際に、相手の会社名や氏名などが記載してある部分を自分の指でふさがらないように注意しましょう。 相手の名前の読み方が分からない場合には名刺を受け取った際に尋ねるようにしましょう。 商談中はもらった名刺を左手前に置きます 相手側の上司の名刺を名刺入れに乗せ、座席順に自分の左手の手元に並べます(右利きの場合)。 メモを取るなどしたときに誤って落としたりしないように利き手と逆の位置に置きます(左手が利き手の場合は右手の手元に並べます)。 役職によって座る場所が変わる社会 日本のビジネスシーンでは、会議や商談、食事の際には、目上の者に気を配らなければなりません。言葉遣いだけではなく、座る位置に注意を払う必要があります。上記の名刺交換は外国によく知られているものではありますが、今から説明をする座席配置については海外にあまり知られていませんが、日本のビジネスシーンでは昔から存在するビジネスマナーです。 ①>②>③、と立場が高い人順で座ります。 上記の図の①のように、入り口から一番遠く離れた席のことを“上座”と呼びます。入口から近い席のことを“下座”と呼びます、上記の図では下座は③にあたります。 上座下座の由来 日本のビジネス界ではお客さんや目上の人に上座を勧めることが常識となっています。 その由来は、上座と下座は武士がまだ存在していた古い時代(室町時代)にできた言葉であります。 貴族や身分の高い人が暗殺されるリスクを減らすために、入口から離れた位置に座ることになりました。また、多人数の集まりでは部屋の出入りが激しいため、身分の高い人が快適に過ごしてもらうために、身分の高い人を入口から一番離れたところに座ってもらうようになったそうです。 今でも会議の時だけではなく、タクシーやエレベーターでも、上司や目上の人に安全でいられる位置に座るようにしたり、故障の際に怪我をなるべくしない位置に立ってもらったりするのも、この危機管理のマインドがまだ残っているからだと考えられます。 時間通り=5分前 日本では、時間通りに約束の場所に着くことは遅刻とほぼ同じです。時間に対しての考え方は小学校から教えられていて文化の1つになってります。そのため、ビジネス会議の開始時刻より5~10分前に到着することが重要です。目的地に出発する前に、その場所までの行き方や時間を調べ、電車で移動する必要がある場合は、その出発時刻や乗り換え場所を事前に確認するようにしましょう。 “苗字”もしくは”下の名前”のどちらで呼ぶべきか 海外では自己紹介をするときにはよく「I am ○○」か「My name is ○○」と下の名前から自己紹介をすることが多いです。しかし、日本では親しい関係である時に下の名前で呼んだりするため、日本のビジネスシーンにおいては、基本的に下の名前ではなく、相手の苗字に「さん」をつけて呼ぶようにしましょう。相手が顧客の場合は、苗字に「様」をつけて呼ぶようにしましょう。 まとめ 最近ではこのような日本独自のビジネスマナーは少なくなってきていますが、日本のほとんどのビジネスシーンにおいてはまだまだ多くの場面で日本独自のビジネスマナーが見受けられます。 最近では、両手で名刺を受け取ったり、座る位置に気を配ったりなどの細かいビジネスマナーは少しずつ求められなくなってきていますが、外国人の社員が日本のビジネスマナーをできると、同僚や上司に対して日本企業で働く前向きな姿勢を見せることができたり、他のできていない社員と大きな差をつけることができるかもしれません。 上記で紹介しましビジネスマナーを習得して損はありませんので是非自分のキャリア成長のために身に着けてはいかがでしょうか。

Career Development

Popular Employment Companies for Graduates in Japan

In this article, we summarized the companies that are popular among Japanese university students who are going to do job hunting in 2021 and their reasons for international students who are looking for jobs in Japan. Unlike other countries, this is a result uniquely Japanese. If you are a foreigner looking for a job in Japan, please use this as a reference. Ranking of popular Japanese companies for Japanese university students(2021) Career-tasu Job Hunting21, a job search information medium for new graduate students, surveyed college students planning to graduate in March 2021 regarding companies where they want to find employment. The ranking is shown below. Rank Name of Company Industry No.1 Tokyo Marine Nichido Insurance No.2 Sompo Japan Insurance No.3 Itochu Corporation General Trading No.4 Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group Insurance No.5 Japan Airlines Air Transportation No.6 All Nippon Airways Air Transportation No.7 Sony Corporation Conglomerate No.8 Mitsubishi Corporation General Trading No.9 Suntory Foods & Beverages No.10 Toyota Automotive Manufacturer Reference:Career-tasu Job Hunting21/Ranking of Popular Companies Basically, only large companies have been focused in young people, and it is the same tendency in other countries. However, it is unthinkable in other countries that the first, second, and fourth place are insurance companies. What do current Japanese college students look for in employment and why do they choose insurance companies instead of the most popular Internet companies and manufacturers abroad? Why Are Insurance Companies Popular in Japan? While many companies have reduced the number of recruitment due to the influence of the new coronavirus, it seems that insurance companies have not reduced the number of recruitments. These companies have the impression that they have relatively high salaries and are stable, and that it is becoming popular that a wide range of students can apply, regardless of their major in university. In addition, the insurance industry, which was mainly a car insurance business, considering the possibility that demand for cars will disappear, has been focusing on the insurance that is applied in the event of an earthquake or other natural disasters in recent years. The insurance industry would has a high growth potential. With three insurance companies listed, it seems that job-seeking students in 2021 are looking for a stable workplace rather than a challenging workplace. Companies Whose Popularity has Risen and Fallen Within the companies ranked in the top 10 this year, some companies are popular every year, like JAL and ITOCHU, but some companies have risen noticeably in the ranking having a much higher position, like Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Insurance. From now on, we would like to explain in detail about the five most distinctive companies in the ranking. Tokyo Marine Nichido Tokyo Marine Nichido ranked 10th in the ranking of popular companies last year but ranked 1st this year. The factors behind this may be the high annual income and the international environment. High Annual Inconme Although the basic salary of Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance is not much different from others insurance companies, the bonus received by each employee has a great impact on the annual income. The average annual income of this company is about 8.35 million yen, but according to the commitment and results of their employees, it is often seen that it exceeds 10 million yen. A bonus of about 600,000 yen was paid to a new graduate employee in the second month after joining the company, which makes it more attractive in terms of income than other companies. In addition to the monthly salary, employees can receive up to 100,000 yen in rent subsidies, which is excellent in welfare and can be said to be an attractive company in terms of treatment. International environment Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance is expanding its business not only domestically but internationally as well, with approximately 45 overseas bases. Being able to work in different big cities around the world is also a reason for its popularity. Therefore, even in the working environment, diversity is spreading and it seems to be a popular place of employment for international students and overseas people. Itochu Corporation In Japan, trading companies (Shousha) are a very influential type of business. In particular, ITOCHU Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, etc., which are said to be “general trading companies (Sougo-Shousha)”, are always employment destinations that are popular with university students. What is a General Trading Company (Sougou-Shousha)? General trading companies procure various products such as food, energy resources, and machinery on a global scale, and sell them not only in Japan but worldwide. They have big projects which have a big impact on the country, and they also have manufacturers and financial companies, that’s why they are expanding globally. High Annual Income The average annual income of Itochu Corporation is about 14 million yen, which is a very high rate among Japanese companies. Even in the first year of new graduates, the average annual salary of a general-work employee is about 5.5 million yen, which means that a high standard of salary will be obtained from the first year after joining the company. Acquisition of Various Skills Major general trading companies have excellent human resources from Japan and the world, and not only is there an environment where they can learn business know-how, but there is also the aspect that they can acquire various skills from excellent human resources. One of the reasons why it is so popular is that you can learn languages such as English and the skills to do business globally such as finance. Japan Airlines (JAL) Specific Benefits for Airlines In addition to general benefits such as social insurance and transportation allowance, there is an employee discount system for air tickets. This system is a JAL-specific benefit that allows employees to purchase air tickets at a discount of 90%. There is no doubt that it is a benefit for students who like to travel. High Annual Income The average annual income of the aviation industry is also high, and among them, the average annual income of JAL is about 8.27 million yen, which is the top class in the industry. Suntory Overseas Expansion Success Speaking of Japan’s major beverage makers, there are Kirin, Asahi, Suntory, etc. Among them, Suntory has always been very popular. The reason for this is the charm of the corporate culture. As the founder’s famous phrase says “Yatte-minahare”, wich means “Just try it”. Suntory is challenging various new things, and it is also Suntory that has actually succeeded in expanding overseas first than the others beverage companies. Unlisted Company As the Suntory Group is a privately held company, it does not need to produce short-term results for its shareholders, so it may be one of its attractions to be able to engage in long-term projects. Toyota Why has it become less Popular? Speaking of Toyota, it is the company with the highest market capitalization in Japan and the world-famous automobile manufacturer. Although it is still a popular company for Japanese university students to find employment. This year Toyota was at the 10th place of popularity, but compared to a few years ago, the popularity of job hunting students is gradually decreasing. This is because young people today are less interested in automobiles, and considering the future of the automobile industry, it is not necessarily a growth industry. As more and more students are no longer interested in cars, the number of students who want to work for an automobile manufacturer may continue to decline. Conclusion Due to the corona shock, university students scheduled to graduate in 2021 are looking for a job which gives them an economic and labor stability besides looking for a job of their liking. Therefore, we think that companies with high stability will continue to be ranked high in the future. In addition, as the number of students seeking new ways of thinking and international communication has increased in recent years, companies such as Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd. and ITOCHU Corporation that are focusing on diversity and international development are becoming popular for job hunters. We sincerely hope that by finding a job in Japan, you will be able to achieve your desired career development. If you are an international student who is thinking of finding a job in Japan and want to get a job related to IT, please register with G Talent, a recruitment agency specializing in foreign IT engineers. Professional consultants will help you with your job hunting for free.